Help me understand your thoughts......


Well-Known Member
RJT said:
but with Kasi now posting defending AM's drivel, i'm not as confident as i was when we spoke that the people here do differentiate between good worthwhile advice.
If u thought I was defending AM's thoughts (excuse me if I stay away from the word "drivel"), I failed to make my point which really was to only try to demonstrate that maybe alot of this area is more grey than black and white. To perhaps broadly suggest that it sounds like maybe AM might run a team more aggressively than u guys. And probably have different investment requirements and different controls. Whether that's right or wrong, let the team members decide and let the reader's decide how much risk they may want to take if they ever play, what role they would play, etc.

I was no more defending AM's points than I was yours. Just trying to guess where u were both coming from in ur different styles.

As far as Blackjack Institute stuff goes, I could care less whether u belong, attended or own it. But I've never had the impression u r promoting anything. If u r, I'm not buying anything anyway lol. That much of AM's posts I basically didn't understand. I'd never pay hundreds of dollars to attend anything anyway believing I can get there myself and the cost would hurt my EV too much anyway lol.

I'm very much against inflammatory language, personal attacks, etc. U know it when u see it, and, when I see it, it probably does color my view of any other facts in a post since i think it only diminishes the poster a little. And, later, perhaps the replier.

I suppose one can only hope that readers filter all the advice and eventually come to a reasonable conclusion. But I guess we'll never really know - I hope to give good advice when I can, that's my goal, but I'm human and maybe sometimes it might not be such good advice. And even when I think it is, some may choose to ignore it which is fine too.

I hope u will continue to say what u think as I hope AM will too. As I will.

Back on point, how much did u guys travel, how long were u together and how many different games did u play? With only one investor, how were expenses handled?

As always, any answer is optional.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
I'm very much against inflammatory language, personal attacks, etc. U know it when u see it, and, when I see it, it probably does color my view of any other facts in a post since i think it only diminishes the poster a little. And, later, perhaps the replier.
Sorry but this is exactly how I feel about your use of "U" and "R" throughout your posts. Didn't that go out in high school?


Well-Known Member
ColorMeUp said:
Sorry but this is exactly how I feel about your use of "U" and "R" throughout your posts. Didn't that go out in high school?
I think it came back in with text messaging. But we're not text messaging here. :)


Well-Known Member
I never got the impression you guys were pitching a product. If you are, you should be fired because I missed it completely.



Well-Known Member
LMAO thank you Knox. You know that actually made me laugh quite a lot and tell my gf lol.



Well-Known Member
RJT and Bojack--I haven't read enough of your posts to know you very well. I read this thread and I believe you are sincere. I have had some very helpful advice from AM, and I value his presence on the forum. Maybe in the future, something you say may help my AP education, too. I wouldn't want either you or him to leave. Whatever AM's perception was, and why he said whatever he said, I'll leave to him to defend or apologize for, whichever he decides is appropriate. I've had "personal" encounters on this forum, too; when they occur, I sometimes am off to the races with my defenses and rebuttals, but I think the right way is probably to just stand back for a while and cool off. Then make your reasoned reply with simplicity and a sense of humor. It's like playing BJ--we only win when we keep coolly detached--easier said than done. This forum, if you stay, will not only benefit us, it will undoubtedly bring benefits to you as well. If you feel there is nothing left for you to learn, then maybe I can see your point. Or if you don't receive gratification from helping others improve their game, then the forum may not be for you. But I don't perceive you in either category. Thanks for being with us, and I hope you stay. I really do. I also hope AM stays, and I am thankful for the insights he has unselfishly shared with me from time to time. These things inevitably happen; it's human nature; but I hope we can get back to talking BJ as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
RJT said:
LMAO thank you Knox. You know that actually made me laugh quite a lot and tell my gf lol.

YW, glad for that. BJ is just like life in general where it is critical to keep a positive attitude and sense of humor (as Aslan said), but not always so easy to do. If it ceases being fun we should do something else. Right now it is pretty exciting to me to potentially make as much $ per hour as a doctor per hour playing (freakin'!) cards, along with the hint of danger of getting caught.

This is probably in Ken's rules somewhere, but I think it is better to ask constructive questions (e.g. do you think maybe it would be more effective for the GP to do such-and-such?) than to attack someone else's style of play. We need contrarian opinions too. Wasn't Thorpe the pioneer of BJ contrarianism (is that even a word?) that started this for all of us?


Well-Known Member
I think i will stay aslan. Your sig says it all really - there is wisdom in many counsels. The posters here have convinced me that they don't believe the rubbish that has been posted and that's enough for me. As long as people here don't think i'm trying to con them i'm happy to stay - i enjoy helping people - but if you had felt that i or indeed you had felt that someone i know is very genuine in his attempts to advise was trying to con you then yes i would move on.
The last thing i want to do is silence anyone, yet at the same time i want to be taken as genuine, otherwise any advise i give is worthless.



Well-Known Member
ColorMeUp said:
Sorry but this is exactly how I feel about your use of "U" and "R" throughout your posts. Didn't that go out in high school?

Hey, at least I try to spell the really big words right!

OK, correctly, lol.

Can't imagine how many thousands of keystrokes I've saved this way.

If it's any consolation, my wife hates it too when I e-mail her with that stuff lol.

Oh, I mean lots of laugh. :)

Is the point of communicating to communicate or to say it correctly?

Is the medium the message?

I'm a crappy 2-finger typist, and the fewer keystrokes I have to type, the fewer I have to correct lol.

I mean lots of laughs lol.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:

Hey, at least I try to spell the really big words right!

OK, correctly, lol.

Can't imagine how many thousands of keystrokes I've saved this way.

If it's any consolation, my wife hates it too when I e-mail her with that stuff lol.

Oh, I mean lots of laugh. :)

Is the point of communicating to communicate or to say it correctly?

Is the medium the message?

I'm a crappy 2-finger typist, and the fewer keystrokes I have to type, the fewer I have to correct lol.

I mean lots of laughs lol.
You're too much, Kasi! ROTFLMAO