Hi RJTRJT said:but with Kasi now posting defending AM's drivel, i'm not as confident as i was when we spoke that the people here do differentiate between good worthwhile advice.
If u thought I was defending AM's thoughts (excuse me if I stay away from the word "drivel"), I failed to make my point which really was to only try to demonstrate that maybe alot of this area is more grey than black and white. To perhaps broadly suggest that it sounds like maybe AM might run a team more aggressively than u guys. And probably have different investment requirements and different controls. Whether that's right or wrong, let the team members decide and let the reader's decide how much risk they may want to take if they ever play, what role they would play, etc.
I was no more defending AM's points than I was yours. Just trying to guess where u were both coming from in ur different styles.
As far as Blackjack Institute stuff goes, I could care less whether u belong, attended or own it. But I've never had the impression u r promoting anything. If u r, I'm not buying anything anyway lol. That much of AM's posts I basically didn't understand. I'd never pay hundreds of dollars to attend anything anyway believing I can get there myself and the cost would hurt my EV too much anyway lol.
I'm very much against inflammatory language, personal attacks, etc. U know it when u see it, and, when I see it, it probably does color my view of any other facts in a post since i think it only diminishes the poster a little. And, later, perhaps the replier.
I suppose one can only hope that readers filter all the advice and eventually come to a reasonable conclusion. But I guess we'll never really know - I hope to give good advice when I can, that's my goal, but I'm human and maybe sometimes it might not be such good advice. And even when I think it is, some may choose to ignore it which is fine too.
I hope u will continue to say what u think as I hope AM will too. As I will.
Back on point, how much did u guys travel, how long were u together and how many different games did u play? With only one investor, how were expenses handled?
As always, any answer is optional.