Thanks 21forme for the link to the BJ21 post on side counting aces using hi lo. This was helpful! I use hi lo and I've side counted aces from time to time with DD, when the dealer is slow and I get bored. I know it doesn't get me much but it's not hard so I figure why not. The main reason I do it is for insurance, knowing the ace is counted incorrectly in hi lo in this case. I use a crude ace adjustment approach for my insurance decisions, always erroring on the side of caution. For example, if the count is +1 or +2 and I've seen all the aces, which has happened, I'll take insurance. I've thought about moving to Hi Opt 1 with ASC but decided against it since I know hi lo so well. It's good to see other people also use hi lo, with an ace side count.
Does anybody also side count 7s with hi lo? I've also done this from time to time. I use it mostly for insurance and betting decisions.
My method for side counting aces and 7s is really simple. Since I'm always playing with my chips, I just do it with my chips in what looks like a haphazard way. So far it's been working for me, and it takes almost no extra effort.