Help on some acronyms


Active Member
Ok i am learning all the acronyms in black jack like DD means Double down. BJ obviously is black jack CSM card shuffling machine.

But im still lost with a few.... is there a section tht has just about EVERY acronym for every term used often?

here is somethingi do not completly understand

Zen DD h17 DAS 84P s1

Can someone translate please :) thanks in advance.


Active Member
Yes i have played lol but i am new to all the abbreviations of things. I know what a double down is and what not. But some thigs like h17 and s17 things like this im confused...

lol maybe i just need to study some more?


Well-Known Member
darkassassin89 said:
Ok i am learning all the acronyms in black jack like DD means Double down. BJ obviously is black jack CSM card shuffling machine.

But im still lost with a few.... is there a section tht has just about EVERY acronym for every term used often?

here is somethingi do not completly understand

Zen DD h17 DAS 84P s1

Can someone translate please :) thanks in advance.
DD = double deck
h17 = dealer hits soft 17
s17 = deals stands on soft 17
DAS = double after split
CSM = continuous shuffling machine


Well-Known Member
darkassassin89 said:
... DD means Double down. BJ obviously is black jack CSM card shuffling machine.
One out of three ain't bad. Oh wait, that's not how it goes. :joker:

darkassassin89 said:
is there a section tht has just about EVERY acronym for every term used often?
This thread has a couple of good links in it. :)

Also note halibut's comment about the FAQ sticky, which is in the Card Counting forum.