Help the Enemy....please.


Well-Known Member

I don't know about moving it but the guy kinda ticks me a little. I read his post as if he is some guy starting a taco stand. Then he asks for advice on how to compete with mega taco down the street. I don't this guy is for real and if he is he should really look to start another type of business. I'm not ragging on him, I just think he is a con artist or someone that posted on this site before but was banned. blackchipjim


blackchipjim said:
Why ask a question about the operation of a casino if you if already have one. I use the term loosely of course. If you run a so called small poker place and want to expand what's up. You state your clientale are ignorant and you come here for a better way to scam your customers? I think you reek of con job or have motives less than honorable my advice would be to consult your other con artists for advice. blackchipjim
I am not even sure I get everything you are trying to say, but I will do my best to respond.

1. Why ask a question about the operation of a casino if you if already have one?

Because as I stated, my specialty is running poker. We chose to offer BJ and Roulette, because we thought there would be significant runoff from the poker room to the table games. However, although some clients do enjoy playing 21 and Roulette, we have not generated as much traffic as we would like. I don't know everything...and actually far from it. So I decided to ask for some advice.

2. If you run a so called small poker place and want to expand what's up.

Not sure what exactly you are trying to get across. We are not trying to expand, just trying to capitalize on what we already have.

3. You state your clientale are ignorant and you come here for a better way to scam your customers? I think you reek of con job or have motives less than honorable my advice would be to consult your other con artists for advice.

I stated my clientele are ignorant only because someone suggested I make the BJ rules more liberal. Therefore, I didn't think that would attract more traffic. Some people have suggested that even bad players recognize a "good game", so maybe I need to reconsider. I have no idea where you got the idea that I want to scam my customers. Feel free to point it out and I will attempt to explain what I was trying to say.

As far as the rest of the forums replies, thanks. They are helpful and much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
reply to tlop

Ok tlop here is a bit of advice to make your operation prosper. Start your table games with the advice from the members that answered you in the previous replies. Step one would be to make your players feel special and treat all with the respect no matter what intelligence level they posess. Train your dealers to be respectful of the players which means pay your dealers and divide all tips equally among your help. If you style your place like Vegas and treat people like they do in Vegas you are gauranteed sucess. Casino's are service oriented so be service oriented to your patrons. Word gets around that you treat people right win or lose and people will come back time and time again.Good food and drinks are a plus because everyone gets hungry and thirsty and keeps people in your place. I apoligize if you are sincere and I read you wrong. I would tell you take a trip to Las Vegas for a week and take alot of notes and you will see what I mean. blackchipjim


shadroch said:
Just keep the aquardiente flowing,profits will follow.If they don't who cares.
Now that is funny. We actually serve a lot more Aguila and Whisky than we do Aguardiente.
