Here's a new one


Well-Known Member
I'm playing last night and get dealt two 19s, an A8 and a hard K9. The dealer has an 8 up, flips over two more cards and ends up with a 19.

I'm playing 3rd base so she goes to me first and pushes my A8 but pays my K9. I had large bets out.

She moves on and this guy next to me, who btw had been asking me to buy him drinks all night, says "Give me a chip." So I say "Excuse me?" And he says "She paid you on a push. Give me a chip and I won't say anything."

I was playing with all black chips so this guy essentially was asking for $100 to keep his mouth shut.

At this point I had some options:

1) Give the guy a black chip
2) Tell the dealer myself that she mis-payed me
3) Ignore the guy and see what happens

What would you do?

- Dye


Well-Known Member
"**** off." If the dealer's making mispays, it's worth it to try to get him to leave the table.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I'm playing last night and get dealt two 19s, an A8 and a hard K9. The dealer has an 8 up, flips over two more cards and ends up with a 19.

I'm playing 3rd base so she goes to me first and pushes my A8 but pays my K9. I had large bets out.

She moves on and this guy next to me, who btw had been asking me to buy him drinks all night, says "Give me a chip." So I say "Excuse me?" And he says "She paid you on a push. Give me a chip and I won't say anything."

I was playing with all black chips so this guy essentially was asking for $100 to keep his mouth shut.

At this point I had some options:

1) Give the guy a black chip
2) Tell the dealer myself that she mis-payed me
3) Ignore the guy and see what happens

What would you do?

- Dye
(3) .

Btw, What did you do?


Well-Known Member
I would probably go for option 2, although option 3 has some benefits as well. There is absolutely no way that anyone should ever consider option 1.



Well-Known Member
Craps Master said:
(4) tell him I will pay him when the hand is over, then not pay him.
This. Or the "shoe", or "run". Anything to space out some time so they won't bother backing up the cards.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
This. Or the "shoe", or "run". Anything to space out some time so they won't bother backing up the cards.
It doesn't matter. If they see on tape that they paid you incorrectly they will ask for the money back even if it's an hour later. IDK the legality of this but they do it all the time all over the place.

I went with Option 2 and told the dealer she mis-payed me. I was not going to be shaken down by this guy and he was starting to speak loudly so I just wanted to solve the situation immediately.

Craps Master

Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
This. Or the "shoe", or "run". Anything to space out some time so they won't bother backing up the cards.
Dyepaintball12 said:
It doesn't matter. If they see on tape that they paid you incorrectly they will ask for the money back even if it's an hour later. IDK the legality of this but they do it all the time all over the place.

I went with Option 2 and told the dealer she mis-payed me. I was not going to be shaken down by this guy and he was starting to speak loudly so I just wanted to solve the situation immediately.
That's if the guy has the gall to bring it up to the dealer/floor after the hand is over. Whatever the case, this is probably the highest EV play.
Dyepaintball12 said:
I'm playing last night and get dealt two 19s, an A8 and a hard K9. The dealer has an 8 up, flips over two more cards and ends up with a 19.

I'm playing 3rd base so she goes to me first and pushes my A8 but pays my K9. I had large bets out.

She moves on and this guy next to me, who btw had been asking me to buy him drinks all night, says "Give me a chip." So I say "Excuse me?" And he says "She paid you on a push. Give me a chip and I won't say anything."

I was playing with all black chips so this guy essentially was asking for $100 to keep his mouth shut.

At this point I had some options:

1) Give the guy a black chip
2) Tell the dealer myself that she mis-payed me
3) Ignore the guy and see what happens

What would you do?

- Dye
I would have told him "Give me a blow job, and you won't say anything either." Nothing like a little irrumatio to seal the lips of someone who talks too much.

Seriously, I would say nothing to this disreputable person. He does what he does. What he said was probably illegal so any confrontation or escalation that resulted probably wouldn't go well for him.

If it was a lot of money (more than you would expect to win by staying in the game) option #4 is "Put all of your chips in your pocket and leave the casino." Come back on the next shift and cash out.


Well-Known Member
I would make up some bs statement, like are you aware that extortion in the state of CA or wherever you are carries a penalty of jail time up to 5 years. That should be enough to keep him quiet.


I am not sure how I would have played it in the heat of the moment. Maybe call for a waitress and order him that drink. If he says something drink it myself. Maybe take his hand in mine and crush it with my grip and say I can always take the money's worth out on his arse later with a sadistic smile on my face like I would really enjoy it. I definitely wouldn't pay him a dime. I am good at this act. I hate hurting people and I am very powerful. If I start into a fight without restraint I can severely injure someone without much effort. I have used this tactic to talk off muggers on a half dozen occasions in my life. They look in my eyes and see no fear, only someone who will not give their money without a fight and truly believes it would be short and I will be victorious. I usually say I don't carry much money but I will not give it to you, you might hurt me but I will totally crush you. I would not try it on an armed aggressor. These guys are looking for easy prey. There are plenty more targets coming along. The fact that I feel little physical pain really helps to make good on my threat if need be.

Anyway of your choices I would choose 3. But I would probably do something that was none of the above.


Option "4"

I would have to go with option #4, which consists of suddenly jumping up, looking at them defiantly and saying LOUD enough that EVERYONE can hear it all throughout the entire blackjack pit, "NO! I am NOT a homosexual, I do NOT want oral sex from you and I want you to get away from me!" Go on with this ranting, disrupting the whole game and stopping everything... "Can't I just play this game without being accosted by homosexuals! This is an OUTRAGE!", etc., etc.

The same sort of distracting ruckus can be adjusted for a male/female scenario but you get the idea... They will leave the table and/or at the very least you will make them forget all about the mispay. You will also provide entertainment for the entire blackjack pit if they were having an otherwise boring day.
tthree said:
I am not sure how I would have played it in the heat of the moment. Maybe call for a waitress and order him that drink. If he says something drink it myself. Maybe take his hand in mine and crush it with my grip and say I can always take the money's worth out on his arse later with a sadistic smile on my face like I would really enjoy it. I definitely wouldn't pay him a dime. I am good at this act. I hate hurting people and I am very powerful. If I start into a fight without restraint I can severely injure someone without much effort. I have used this tactic to talk off muggers on a half dozen occasions in my life. They look in my eyes and see no fear, only someone who will not give their money without a fight and truly believes it would be short and I will be victorious. I usually say I don't carry much money but I will not give it to you, you might hurt me but I will totally crush you. I would not try it on an armed aggressor. These guys are looking for easy prey. There are plenty more targets coming along. The fact that I feel little physical pain really helps to make good on my threat if need be.

Anyway of your choices I would choose 3. But I would probably do something that was none of the above.
Nobody who fights feels pain in a fight. But I do not believe any kind of aggression or suggestion of violence is the way to go in our trade. All these people suddenly become innocent victims when they get into a fight, and it is very common for someone to try to provoke a fight for the purpose of suing you afterward. And don't forget- if your opponent is of a different race than you, you will have used racial slurs, whether you used them or not. The jury will love it.

Never mind the fact that you do not want blood from these people in your cut.

When you are dealing with a street person or con artist, consider yourself playing poker with someone who is all-in. He has nothing to lose. No fear of getting a criminal record- he already has one. Nothing to be sued for, no job to lose if he goes to jail, family won't care because they've all been there too. A confrontation with anyone of this class is major -EV for you or I.


Automatic Monkey said:
Nobody who fights feels pain in a fight. But I do not believe any kind of aggression or suggestion of violence is the way to go in our trade. All these people suddenly become innocent victims when they get into a fight, and it is very common for someone to try to provoke a fight for the purpose of suing you afterward. And don't forget- if your opponent is of a different race than you, you will have used racial slurs, whether you used them or not. The jury will love it.

Never mind the fact that you do not want blood from these people in your cut.

When you are dealing with a street person or con artist, consider yourself playing poker with someone who is all-in. He has nothing to lose. No fear of getting a criminal record- he already has one. Nothing to be sued for, no job to lose if he goes to jail, family won't care because they've all been there too. A confrontation with anyone of this class is major -EV for you or I.
You have to use judgement. Each situation is different. You have to be able to read people and body language and eyes. The idea is the threat of violence with the ability to back it up if the other person takes it there. The last thing I want to do is actually get in a fight. I am afraid I will kill someone without even trying. Reflexes are block and throw a short hard punch to the throat, or pick the guy up over my head and drive his head into the ground with all my behind it. Lots of things like this that happen in a split second by reflex and could be fatal by using the other persons aggressive momentum to destroy him. It all happens so fast it is scary what can happen before you know it.

I was watching a friends mini golf course for him after close waiting for the sun to come up. Three guys come in to try to rob the place. They weren't big but young and in good shape. I told them they wouldn't get a dime and to get lost. The tough guy steps forward and takes a swing at my face, I thought he missed and grabbed his elbow with my left hand and drove his head into the 4x4 post holding up the awning with my right that had grabbed the back of his neck. I pulled him over my head and threw him head first at the putter rack 7 feet away. He landed on his head as his back slammed the plywood display box that the putters were in. Putters flew everywhere. His buddies race toward the putter rack. I am preparing to go at it with two guys armed with "clubs". I figure charge the first to get to close to really swing at and hit the second guy with the first guy. Then finish one and next the other. The guys pick up their unconscious friend and leave begging me not to hurt them. Hours later as I am recanting the events of the night to my buddy he asked what the cut is on my cheek and says it looks like I am getting a black eye. The guy had connected with his punch. He had hit me with a square but glancing blow to my cheek as my left arm parried while grabbing him by the elbow. I thought I killed the guy but I never heard anything more about it so I guess he was okay once he regained consciousness. It happens so fast and it is all reaction with little or no time to think. It is scary how quickly I can severely injure, maim or kill someone.


Well-Known Member
tarzan said:
i would have to go with option #4, which consists of suddenly jumping up, looking at them defiantly and saying loud enough that everyone can hear it all throughout the entire blackjack pit, "no! I am not a homosexual, i do not want oral sex from you and i want you to get away from me!" go on with this ranting, disrupting the whole game and stopping everything... "can't i just play this game without being accosted by homosexuals! This is an outrage!", etc., etc.

The same sort of distracting ruckus can be adjusted for a male/female scenario but you get the idea... They will leave the table and/or at the very least you will make them forget all about the mispay. You will also provide entertainment for the entire blackjack pit if they were having an otherwise boring day.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
You have to use judgement. Each situation is different. You have to be able to read people and body language and eyes. The idea is the threat of violence with the ability to back it up if the other person takes it there. The last thing I want to do is actually get in a fight. I am afraid I will kill someone without even trying. Reflexes are block and throw a short hard punch to the throat, or pick the guy up over my head and drive his head into the ground with all my behind it. Lots of things like this that happen in a split second by reflex and could be fatal by using the other persons aggressive momentum to destroy him. It all happens so fast it is scary what can happen before you know it.

I was watching a friends mini golf course for him after close waiting for the sun to come up. Three guys come in to try to rob the place. They weren't big but young and in good shape. I told them they wouldn't get a dime and to get lost. The tough guy steps forward and takes a swing at my face, I thought he missed and grabbed his elbow with my left hand and drove his head into the 4x4 post holding up the awning with my right that had grabbed the back of his neck. I pulled him over my head and threw him head first at the putter rack 7 feet away. He landed on his head as his back slammed the plywood display box that the putters were in. Putters flew everywhere. His buddies race toward the putter rack. I am preparing to go at it with two guys armed with "clubs". I figure charge the first to get to close to really swing at and hit the second guy with the first guy. Then finish one and next the other. The guys pick up their unconscious friend and leave begging me not to hurt them. Hours later as I am recanting the events of the night to my buddy he asked what the cut is on my cheek and says it looks like I am getting a black eye. The guy had connected with his punch. He had hit me with a square but glancing blow to my cheek as my left arm parried while grabbing him by the elbow. I thought I killed the guy but I never heard anything more about it so I guess he was okay once he regained consciousness. It happens so fast and it is all reaction with little or no time to think. It is scary how quickly I can severely injure, maim or kill someone.



Hey Chuck Norris.

The mispay is a gambling debt not evidenced by a marker and is thus legally unenforceable. So why escalate the situation by threatening to pound the db. Just ignore him.