Hi Five Poker at FW


Well-Known Member
Anyone seen/tried this new game in the Peq. Casino? Didn't seem to be in any of the other casinos inside. Looks fun. Wonder what the HE is on it. Might give it a throw next time I am in town.


Well-Known Member
not 100% sure. Looked like you get a ton of cards and make the best 5 card hand....7 or 8 cards i believe...jokers are in the deck. there is a bonus trips or better, ante, play bet. It seems kind of like crazy4poker, but with more cards. If the game wasn't full I would have jumped in there. I will see if I can find the rules some where


Well-Known Member

"Carnival Games" like this nearly always have a House Advantage (against perfect play) between 3% and 5%

That is roughly TEN times the disadvantage you'll face playing BJ !

In the gaming industry, such games are referred to as "Carnival Games" because of the absurd House Advantage.


Well-Known Member
I know they are piss poor HE. Just wondering how bad ; p

I don't mind playing some of the poker games for a bit. They are fun and a nice break. Maybe I would play craps if I had a clue what I was doing to cool down...but i don't have the slightest ; p


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that many AP's are making big bucks at these "carnival games". If there's a will, theres a way.

I believe there was a time not too long ago SP21 was also considered a carnival game, boy how opinions changed so quickly after one brilliant woman showed you the way.

Time to think out of the box, aye?




Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:

"Carnival Games" like this nearly always have a House Advantage (against perfect play) between 3% and 5%

That is roughly TEN times the disadvantage you'll face playing BJ !

In the gaming industry, such games are referred to as "Carnival Games" because of the absurd House Advantage.
I guess they should call slot machines the circus then?!!! :laugh::laugh:


Well-Known Member
I am trying to find out the rules and such from them now. Might be making a trip there soon will definitely check it out.


Well-Known Member
This game is awful. I do not know the house edge...but I imagine...ITS UP THERE!

7 Cards dealt out to everyone. Play best five.
1 Semi-Wild Joker (can only be an ace or help to complete a straight or flush (or straight flush/royal flush))
Two blind bets a "Trips Bet" ($1-$25 bet only *not required) and an Ante bet *required.
The Ante always pays 1-1 if you win.
The play bet is after you see your hand and must be equal to your ante. It pays 1-1 if the dealer qualifies or you have a straight or better hand.

Dealer qualifies with a pair of 6s or better.

The Trips payouts are something along the lines of
400-1 for 5 Aces
200-1 for Royal
after that I am not certain the pay outs of the middle hands
2-1 for straight
1-1 for trips

I wish this game would just die off...but I have a strange feeling it will spread. Only thing that saves people money on this game is that it is slow as hell.