Hi Lo Confirmation


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
Simple yes - correct no. If you bet in this manner you will barely have an advantage. In most cases in shoe games, your max bet should be out at TC +4. Not three units.
If thats the case Norm than my team has been playing this game wrong for a long time, along with the MIT teams I might add, as our play basically mimics what they've done. Its my fault for not clarifying a little better how we bet. When we get the advantage we aways try to put out 2 hands with 80% of what our bet should be on each hand. If due to crowding we can't play 2 hands we put our bet out with an extra 40% on top of what our bet is sized to be. But it all starts with finding how many units the advantage calls for. It may sound difficult but with practice its like second nature. Its a lot less to learn than memorizing basic strategy and if you're playing this game as an advantage player you memorized that along time ago.


Well-Known Member
I may be misunerstanding what you're saying. Or you may be misunderstanding how the MIT teams played. But, the MIT teams did not bet TC-1. Is this play-all or backcounting? With backcounting the ramp is very different.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
I may be misunerstanding what you're saying. Or you may be misunderstanding how the MIT teams played. But, the MIT teams did not bet TC-1. Is this play-all or backcounting? With backcounting the ramp is very different.
Sure they did, you might want to check more into that. As a matter of fact they even offer a true count and bet calculation drill on their website, and if you don't subtract the offset your answers will be incorrect. As for us we use team play so its like we backcount as we never bet at our unit level until a spotter, betting way below one unit, calls in a big player. Maybe thats where the confusion comes from.
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Well-Known Member
Well, BP play is very different. Many Gorilla players flat bet. In many Gorilla teams, the Gorilla doesn't even count.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
I once calculated that it would cost more to port CVBJ to the MAC then to buy every MAC user interested in CV a PC.
haha !!! Ok Ill have to fire up the PC then.. Thanks.