Hi Opt I chart use the Braun +/- count


Well-Known Member
I have been using the Braun +/- count (2-6 = +1 and 10-A = -1) using an adjusted basic strategy chart. I have recently switched over the Hi-Opt I chart (because the adjustment are more specific to the count), but I am still counting using the Braun +/-. The true Hi-Opt I count is the same as the Braun except it excludes the 2 and the Ace (it gives them a zero).

The reason I continue to do so is that the Braun +/- is that the betting correlation is quite high (.97) as opposed to the Hi-Opt I (not tracking Aces), which is (.86). The playing correlation is higher using the Hi-Opt I charts. So I am basically trying to get the best of both worlds. Since I have been playing mostly shoe games, my thinking is that the 2 and the Ace will offset each other in the Braun +/- so that it will not affect the usage of the Hi-Opt Chart.

Will this adversely affect my performance? :confused: