High-Low question

I have learned the high low count as well as the BS strategy variations in wongs book professional BJ. I haven’t used it in a casino yet and I was wondering if anyone who has can tell me how its been for them. I am debating if I should switch to a multilevel count or if the high low will make me money. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Amount of money that you will make counting cards depend on several thinks.

1. System you use to count cards
2. Bankroll
3. Bet Spread
4. Number of decks
5. Specific rules for the game you play
6. And also Penetration

Using multilevel count system is better than Hi-Lo, you will make more money over the long run, but how much more.......

If your bankroll is $2 000
and you play 4 deck games (S17, and DAS) with good penetration, and you spread your bets 1-8, using Hi-Lo you will make about $6.54 per hour. Amount of money that you make in one hour also depends on number of hands dealt.

But if you use Hi-opt II and all other conditions are the same you will make about $7.29 per hour.

So using multilevel system will make you 75 cents more per hour. Not a lot of money.

But if your bankroll is $15 000 than usinh Hi-LO you will make $46/hour
Uisng Hi-opt II $60/hour, $14 more than when using Hi-lo. I wouldn't throw away these $14.

The more edge you get the better. If you are going to be solo card counter, I would recommend you multilevel system. It is harder, but only if you work hard you will make money. Laziness does not pay off.

It is the best if you can master Hi-LO, Hi-opt II, Uston APC. The more the better.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the info. I have looked into the Hi-opt II but I don't like the Ace side count. I am sure I can deal with a multilevel count but the side count might screw me up in a casino and I know that casino error is not good. What about the Hi-opt with out the ace count or the Zen count are those good? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Let's go back to bankroll of $15 000 (I made a little mistake) in last post. In stead of usin g1-8 spread I was using 1-6. Sorry!

Hi-opt II without side count will make about $7.29/h
with aces side count $9.82/h

for bankroll of 15 000

Hi-opt II $60.19/h
Hi - opt II with side count 70.72

For bankroll of $15 000 4D, S17, DAS, good penetration, 1-6 spread

Using Hi-lo you would only make $46/h
using Hi-opt II $60.19/h
using Hi-opt II W side count $70.72/h

Remember the more the better! Without ace side count you are throwing away $10 each hour. $10 X 6 hours of play $60 (cheap motel room).
30 days loss of $1800.


Well-Known Member
I am not familiar with Zen Count system, never used it before, so I wouldn't like to give you wrong info.

The best book for Hi-opt I is
"The World's Greatest Blackjack Book" by Lance Humble and Carl Cooper. Excellent book.

For very Good intro to Hi-opt II you should get
"Play Blackjack like Pros" by Kevin Blackwood.
Book explains well the most important aspects of Hi-opt II, but in my personal opinion lacks math.
Do not get to excited reading it because I think it is a little bit exaggerated.