tthree said:
If you were playing with a very high risk of ruin resizing your bet as you go your eventual expectation would be you would be broke. I dont see how you could call this raising your expectation.
If you dont understand this consider where you have 90% advantage. You follow the high risk plan to the extreme and decide to bet your whole bankroll on every bet. Your return would be huge until you went broke. The overall expectation for this strategy is 100% of the time you will go broke.
I am not sure if the people who argue a higher expectation consider the cumulative affect on the average of the times a strategy will go broke that go broke. The more the minimum bet size allows you to size down the higher you can risk with a lower chance it will make you go broke.
The initial example didnt take time into consideration. She equated sessions of vastly different amounts of time as though they were equal. To make it a fair comparison she needed to break each example into numbers of hands to reach an equal target amount. That is complicated so we will only equalize the goal instead. Risking 2 units to win 10 (her math gave $250 expectation for 1 unit risked to win 5 so this would be twice that which is $500) compared to 1 unit to win 10 (her math $500). According to her math they would have the same expectation but one would have a much lower RoR while the other would require a bigger investment of time. The obvious winner would only require a larger buy in.
First, I've said I worded the title of the thread poorly, so can we please push that aside? I still stand by my original statement and calculations, which are correct unless/until one starts plugging in variables that are not germaine to
my specific analysis, which is simply this:
- A person that wagers more money in a game with a positive expectation will, over the long run,
make more money than another person who plays the same amount of time but wagers less over the same time span.
As in my first example, a person with an unlimited bankroll who sits down once per day with $500 and doesn't leave until they have either doubled up or gone broke will make more money than the person that either leaves after winning $250 or after going broke. Neither person has any additional advantage from an EV perspective, but one is simply wagering more money in a +EV game over the long run. Since the betting units are $50 (or 10 units), it isn't
likely (though it isn't impossible), that either person will be playing a very long session (3 hours would be a long session, imo. 12 hours would be a
very long session).
As I've clarified (and it is indisputable), this was a question of volume, not EV. Yes, the RoR is higher for the 'double or go broke' player. My error was in my title, as obviously a higher RoR doesn't increase a player's EV. All things being equal, though, a higher RoR with the given parameters will net the higher volume player more dollars in the long run.
As for my friend, his contention was that lowering RoR would increase profits given an unlimited bankroll (save the 'no RoR for unlimited bankroll' argument, as we were talking about session-specific numbers that were sustainable by us). Perhaps I just chose a poor way of communicating that RoR and profits are two separate concepts. Again, all results are based on the data I initially posted. I understand that various scenarios can be devised that make 'session', 'bankroll', et. al. insignificant or more significant.
Take care ~ L.I.A.