

Well-Known Member
I was at a casino recently playing and a man in a wheelchair wanted to play at a regular table not a handicap table. I being the person I am moved a few chairs so the man could get close to the table with his leg extended as it was. I was watching the guy and his play and bets kinda closely to see if I could pick up on his play. He did make a few wierd plays that could be discounted as just hunches but I really couldn't key on him at all. I know the exact science is taboo to be discussed openly but still wonder what key plays other than the obvious would tag him a holecarder. blackchipjim

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
If he is wrong on insurance bets he is probably NOT hole carding.
Otherwise he will play aggressive (max splits and doubles) when the dealer has a stiff total and defensive (no doubles and few splits) whent he dealer has a pat hand. Hitting a 17 or 18 when the dealer has a higher hand total would be suspicious as well.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say, because even good holecarders usually aren't seeing the card 100% of the time. Look for splitting tens when the dealer is stiff, not doubling 11 when the dealer is pat.


Well-Known Member
There are more folks in wheelchairs than there are holecarders

blackchipjim said:
I was at a casino recently playing and a man in a wheelchair wanted to play at a regular table not a handicap table. I being the person I am moved a few chairs so the man could get close to the table with his leg extended as it was. I was watching the guy and his play and bets kinda closely to see if I could pick up on his play. He did make a few wierd plays that could be discounted as just hunches but I really couldn't key on him at all. I know the exact science is taboo to be discussed openly but still wonder what key plays other than the obvious would tag him a holecarder. blackchipjim
I do not want to really list the exact plays but some of the best are the ones where he will appear to be the worst of ploppies, perhaps thinning the table and convincing the pit early on the they got another idiot on the table. A little thought and you will see this has nothing to do with splitting 10's or not doubling 11. Also these are plays where the dealer will not be calling out hitting hard17 or anything.



Well-Known Member
Follow up question

Gordon Gekko said:
Was he sipping on a Malibu and Diet?
If not, did he spill his orange juice on you? Mike can be a real a$$hole when he needs to be.



Well-Known Member

No this guy is a east coaster but I don't know if he fequents other casinos. I won't give paticulars on him lest I blow his cover. I nailed him as a hcer kinda accidently by seeing it myself. I don't know how long his cover will last because it's supposedly a reoccurring injury. blackchipjim