Holiday Reading



Off on holidays for a week - no casinos nearby so any suggestions for a good read gamblin related - don't mind if its Bj, roulette or craps (i wouldn't mind learning that).

I have the main BJ books...



Well-Known Member
Loaded Dice
The Man with the $100,000 Breasts
Any of the novels by Pete Hautman or James Swain
Fast Company
Gambling Wizards
The Ultimate Edge


Well-Known Member
Blackjack Autumn

I second Blackjack Autumn.

Also.....You've got Heat.....or, The Blackjack Zone......or, Legends of Blackjack.

Other good ones.......The Big Player, and my favorite.....Busting Vegas.


Well-Known Member

I suspect that you never read the thoroughly embarrassing
bilge that preceded "Burning the Tables …" (1999)

It was called "Turning the Tables … (1976)

If you had, you'd not have said "Anything by …"


Well-Known Member
Pro21 said:
You think that was bad try reading his novel - The Big Night. :laugh:
Not having read it, I'd still be willing to bet an adult beverage or two that it couldn't be worse than Blackwoods novel about the counter who turns to God.

I have read Turning The Tables and found it both enjoyable and well-written.
I took a few things away from the book which have helped me, though I agree his tables were less than perfect.


Well-Known Member
Holiday reading....

Take James Grosjean's Exhibit CAA: Beyond Counting.
Probably the most valuable book you'll ever read, only drawback is you probably won't be allowed to take any other possessions. You won't have much of a weight allowance left :laugh:



Active Member
JohnGalt1 said:
James Swain wrote some good novels about a detective hired by casinos to investigate cheaters.
I read every one of these novels, and loved them. Highly recommended. Sometimes the writing is 'uneven', but nothings perfect :)


Well-Known Member
The Ultimate Edge

Just read The Ultimate Edge Professional Blackjack In The 1980's by Mark Billings. Got it from Amazon. Its about a blackjack team playing in the 80's.
It's a good read!:joker:


Well-Known Member
For pure pleasure reading, "The Ultimate Edge Professional Blackjack In The 1980's by Mark Billings" cannot be beaten