Hoosier Park

how far are you willing to drive for a playable game?

  • 5 miles

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25 miles

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 250 miles

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • I might play on vacation

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I make my living playing bj, traveling constantly

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • action is action, and dont give a sh*t.

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
wow !
Anderson, Indiana has a casino.

they offer "digital blackjack" with a live dealer. a hot chick to high five when you win. its like a blackjack table, only youre playing against the computer. its 6 deck, pen completely unknown and unavailable. I suspect its rigged.

I couldnt recommend it as a beatable game, but its the only game in town.

-1 unit in 2 hours of play
-3 tips

watching the female dealers butt at the opposite table while she jumps up and down was the most entertaining part.


hopefully next review will be in socal.
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Active Member
I was playing the Digi Deals at Hoosier Park, I say was because I suspect they are manipulating the odds, Used to be able to do very well there up until about a month ago they installed 4 more new tables and about the same time reduced the max to 290.00 from 450.00 took away re splitting and doubling splits and it seemed to become very hard to make any money let alone not lose.

Does anyone know the Indiana Gaming rules on this type of table can they adjust the win percentages ? I quit playing there and I noticed none of the other regulars have been playing anymore either so I don't think it is just me or my play has not gotten worse anyone else notice this ?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why someone would waste their time playing machines at a horse track when Gary and real blackjack can't be that far of a drive. Even go down south to Argosy, Grand Vic, Belterra. A hour or two drive to play with real cards at a boat would beat computerized blackjack at a track (do they even have a comp system?)

PS> When the 'real' blackjack games change the rules for the worse, you will find it is harder to 'win'. Also, because of the house edge, regulars regularly don't come around anymore - they either get tired of continually losing, or can't afford to play anymore. It has nothing to do with the game being rigged.

PLEASE let me know if they open up a poker room.


Active Member
No poker room yet.....I hear live dealers will be coming in the future and poker too, I was just wondering how I could go from winning almost every time I was there to losing almost every time I go.
Was told they dealt an honest 6 deck.

Does the state regulate these machines or not are the odds adjustable ect
it seems like they have changed the win percentage I would just like to know if it is possible.

Yes they do have a comp program too, but that is another story..lol

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I've gone from winning almost all the time to losing session after session in real life BJ. Doesn't mean the casinos are cheating.

That's just the nature of blackjack. As for changing the rules, that's shitty, but it is perfectly ligit, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Speedy99 said:
I was playing the Digi Deals at Hoosier Park, I say was because I suspect they are manipulating the odds, Used to be able to do very well there up until about a month ago they installed 4 more new tables and about the same time reduced the max to 290.00 from 450.00 took away re splitting and doubling splits and it seemed to become very hard to make any money let alone not lose.

Does anyone know the Indiana Gaming rules on this type of table can they adjust the win percentages ? I quit playing there and I noticed none of the other regulars have been playing anymore either so I don't think it is just me or my play has not gotten worse anyone else notice this ?
this game would be super easy to manipulate by mgt. like adding 5's and 6's to the deck, removing aces etc. has anyone given you a straight answer about pen?
the hot gals bouncing up and down, is half the fun.
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Well-Known Member
cardcounter0 said:
I don't understand why someone would waste their time playing machines at a horse track when Gary and real blackjack can't be that far of a drive.
PLEASE let me know if they open up a poker room.
I was close by to attend a funeral, and no time to venture out.

what exactly is it like playing bj in Gary? that has to be scarier than the western, or playing with the kentuckians on the ohio river joints.

I agree with the poker room. keep us posted

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Brutus said:
this game would be super easy to manipulate by mgt. like adding 5's and 6's to the deck, removing aces etc. has anyone given you a straight answer about pen?
the hot gals bouncing up and down, is half the fun.
It would be just as easy to manipulate a VP machine, and you don't see widespread allegations of those machines cheating the player.

They're not cheating, accept it.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
It would be just as easy to manipulate a VP machine, and you don't see widespread allegations of those machines cheating the player.

They're not cheating, accept it.
what makes you qualified to make a statement like that?
I dont know that they are cheating as much as you know they are not.
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Well-Known Member
what exactly is it like playing bj in Gary? that has to be scarier than the western, or playing with the kentuckians on the ohio river joints.
if the ohio river casinos are "scary" to you, you should not leave the house unless you have an escort.

Brutus said:
what makes you qualified to make a statement like that?
I dont know that they are cheating as much as you know they are not.
Indiana has a gaming commission. the track would be risking its license, several million in fines, and losing it's investment if caught cheating, all to skim a few extra bucs from a bj machine?

Like I said, just stay in the house and keep the curtains drawn.


Well-Known Member
cardcounter0 said:
if the ohio river casinos are "scary" to you, you should not leave the house unless you have an escort.

Indiana has a gaming commission. the track would be risking its license, several million in fines, and losing it's investment if caught cheating, all to skim a few extra bucs from a bj machine?

Like I said, just stay in the house and keep the curtains drawn.
I wasnt the one asking for advice here pal.

you know, I am really picky about where I play, and thats my business. you like to play in gary, or on riverboats, or enjoy arguing about it, then knock yourself out.

ps. where have all the really good games gone?
they havent been around for a long time.
its action, and a way to kill time. not much more.
I sure dont have the time to chase down a tiny edge in some podunk.
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Active Member
Gary or Ohio river boats are 2.5 hrs for me Hoosier Park is 5 minutes, When they first opened the tables it was like a nice part time job I could play 3-4 times a week just for an hour or so and go home ahead 80% of the time.

Now it seems like it is hard to break even, I was just trying ot find out if Indiana regulated this type of game and if anyone knew if they were allowed to play with the odds of the game they are a computer.....


Well-Known Member
yes, the indiana gaming commission regulates these types of machines, they don't allow racetracks to set up rigged electronic gambling machines without any oversight.

since you haven't posted any methods you were using to "win 80% of the time", I assume you were just relying on luck.

instead of being confused about why "worse" rules cause you to lose more (Doh!), I think you should just consider yourself lucky that you won in the first place, since the house odds were against that happening.

if driving 2 hours for real games with better rules (better rules = more likely to win, you seem to be having trouble figuring that one out) is out of the question, then continue to lose at these electronic games with bad rules or don't play.


Active Member
Poker Room

Someone in this thread asked to be updated if they get poker here, I notice they have added a poker room looked like 6 tables maybe, of course they are E tables no live dealers I think they are saying it is Texas Hold Em.

I will try and find out a little more


New Member
Hoosier park changed table software

I have been learning to count ( baby steps ) was excited to play Hoosier park their tables are electronic (with an Attendant). Rules:
6 or 8 deck ( can't remember)
s 17
split any pair
doub aft split
resplit aces
can dbl the resplit aces
late surrender

not bad right? As I sat down the dealer stated it would be the last shoe with the current shuffle software. The new software shuffles after every hand! I was saddened to sAy the leAst. He said All the other tables were already like that and this was the only table that was different! Later I went back just see how it was going. All six hands came out 20 and the dealer 21! Even the attendant looked disgusted!


Well-Known Member
Yes they have a poker room... All E tables, 5 tables? Always a 1/2 NL. Its a joke as far as a poker room. The comp system in that joint sucks to say the least. Its a **** hole!!!
If you don/t like the E/BJ then play the RMBJ they have 3 of those machines. House edge of .067 or something close to that.
I assure you the games aren't rigged. This question comes up all the time with machines. PURE and SIMPLE there is no reason to rig your games when your HE is already there. Now sure they can change rules, and that will change the house edge.
But for a casino that makes 5 plus million a month come on!!!!!! The BJ tables in the there are nuisance to the casino i assure you they would rather have 100 more slots in that spot. I'd be willing to bet that only 2 or 3 % of their revenue comes off the E/BJ tables!!! Why would you jeopardise your liscense screwing around with chump change.
As far as Gary Casinos.....well lets just say, have a good running car , so that you don't break down GETTING to the casinos. God help you if your car quits running in that part of this world!!!! Once you are in the casinos no problem...When you leave have a security guard escort you to your car ,,,, you know the big fat one, 300 pounder preferably a woman, she has been trained to protect you from the hardy crowd on the south side.....:eek::laugh::laugh:

Take care all



Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
If you don/t like the E/BJ then play the RMBJ they have 3 of those machines. House edge of .067 or something close to that.
think you might have meant 0.67%, or depending on the rules even a bit lower house edge, circa 0.58%.
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Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
think you might have meant 0.67%, or depending on the rules even a bit lower house edge, circa 0.58%.
Friggin decimal pts.....:whip: Thanks Sage. :) Also on the poker table note there are 4 E/tables. There are 5 of the Royal Match BJ machines. Forgot there are 2 in the high limit areas. They have no cash back on their players card other than some mailings for free play and that is very miniscule. Their food is over priced. The staff isn't friendly. The cocktail waitresses are ugo!!!!
