House advantage


New Member
Hey I am just wondering what the house advantage is at the local indian casino.

6 deck, H17, double after split, double any two, three 7's on first three cards pays double, seven card 21 automatic winner, split aces up to four times,

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
goalmaster11 said:
Hey I am just wondering what the house advantage is at the local indian casino.

6 deck, H17, double after split, double any two, three 7's on first three cards pays double, seven card 21 automatic winner, split aces up to four times,
If you're comfortable listing the name of the casino, we can look it up for you in Current Blackjack News, which I highly recommend you subscribe to for just $15 a month (or a hundred or so dollars for the year); comes delivered to you on the 3rth of every month to your email.

Finn Dog said:
If you're comfortable listing the name of the casino, we can look it up for you in Current Blackjack News, which I highly recommend you subscribe to for just $15 a month (or a hundred or so dollars for the year); comes delivered to you on the 3rth of every month to your email.
He told you the rules, what do you need the name for?

Why are you shilling for CBJN?

Goal master

goalmaster11 said:
Hey I am just wondering what the house advantage is at the local indian casino.

6 deck, H17, double after split, double any two, three 7's on first three cards pays double, seven card 21 automatic winner, split aces up to four times,
On the split aces can you double down?

H17 is a bad rule, on a 6d in particular, unless there are other redeeming qualities.


Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
He told you the rules, what do you need the name for?

Why are you shilling for CBJN?

No, in case you couldn't figure it out, a CBJN would allow me to look up the HA for his benefit since I have a copy handy.

Chill out.

Finn Dog said:
No, in case you couldn't figure it out, a CBJN would allow me to look up the HA for his benefit since I have a copy handy.

Chill out.
Wow, that is the first time I have ever known of an *AP* that relied on CBJN to figure out HA:laugh: You sure got me there:eek:

Does Wong do all your I mean, thinking for you? ;)


goalmaster11 said:
Hey I am just wondering what the house advantage is at the local indian casino.

6 deck, H17, double after split, double any two, three 7's on first three cards pays double, seven card 21 automatic winner, split aces up to four times,
I come up with 0.52, doing some quick figuring on my own.

I would be best to learn to do your own calcs., not rely on others, including CBJN. Make friends on this site and then you can get the "Real Deal" on games and it won't cost you a cent..and it will be up to date and accurate.:)

MY Best,

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Wow, that is the first time I have ever known of an *AP* that relied on CBJN to figure out HA:laugh: You sure got me there:eek:

Does Wong do all your I mean, thinking for you? ;)

Seeing how I don't yet own CVCX and am therefore obviously still working towards becoming a successful AP, do you have a problem with me wanting to help a new member because I happened to have a CBJN handy--and thought he could benefit from studying one in case he never has?

If so, why don't you leave this guy's thread alone and send me a private message and take your public argument off the public boards--because this is not giving him a very good impression of this great community.
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Well-Known Member
goalmaster11 said:
6 deck, H17, double after split, double any two, three 7's on first three cards pays double, seven card 21 automatic winner, split aces up to four times,
Rules that are not part of the basic strategy engine on this site can be found on the Wizard of Odds page.

Seven card 21 isn't listed, but you can probably infer from the difference between 5-card Charlies and 6-card Charlies that 7-card 21's are insignificant.

Finn Dog said:
Seeing how I don't yet own CVCX and am therefore obviously still working towards becoming a successful AP, do you have a problem with me wanting to help a new member because I happened to have a CBJN handy?

If so, why don't you leave this guy's thread alone and send me a private message and take your public argument off the public boards--because you're not giving this new member a very good impression.

Chill out. Sorry if I jumped to conclusions as to what you were after. You should know that I am very much against naming casinos on this site with potentially good games.

That being said I dislike shilling a publication of which players are paid a pittance, if anything at all, to OUT what may be playable games so Wong can get richer. Also do not think for a moment casinos do not subscribe. So I called you on your statement.

As to the rest I think you are showing unnecessary sensitivity that will not serve you well in "The Game". ;)


Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:

Chill out. Sorry if I jumped to conclusions as to what you were after. You should know that I am very much against naming casinos on this site with potentially good games.

That being said I dislike shilling a publication of which players are paid a pittance, if anything at all, to OUT what may be playable games so Wong can get richer. Also do not think for a moment casinos do not subscribe. So I called you on your statement.

As to the rest I think you are showing unnecessary sensitivity that will not serve you well in "The Game". ;)

I hear you Creeping Panther (that's why I thought to ask him if he was comfortable with divulging the name of the casino vs. trying to pry it out of him).

In any case, no harm done. It takes a good man to apologize--and you have my apology as well.


Looks like you're giving him a good impression after all.

You know I've noticed that sometimes the written word can really be misinterpreted vs. actually speaking to someone (where they can hear you inflections and such)...ask me how I know!

Best regards,

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Finn Dog said:
I hear you Creeping Panther (that's why I thought to ask him if he was comfortable with divulging the name of the casino vs. trying to pry it out of him).

In any case, no harm done. It takes a good man to apologize--and you have my apology as well.


Looks like you're giving him a good impression after all.

Best regards,


Very well said, and more than friends, we are BJ BRO's!:toast: :) ;)

My Best,



Well-Known Member
Funny stuff lol.

Worrying about 0.04% difference lol.

To put it in perspective, even I wouldn't worry about which is "right" lol.
Think about that one lol.

Watch out though, Goalposter may come back to you guys after playing 1,000,000 $5 hands and, after being behind $27,000, ask whether he is $1,000 above or below EV.

Then he'll ask, was your Basic Strategy calc, comp or total dependent.

Then he'll ask was that using a cut-card or not lol?

Then he'll ask whether or not either of you were assuming the recommended Basic Strategy changes to realize the essentially meaningless advantage of a 7-card Charlie in the first place lmao.

Then he'll likely guess that both are probably only very reasonable guesses after all, and, in his pursuit of absolute truth lol, ask QFIT if his software could likely handle such a question and possibly generate any deviations from BS as necessary.

Then QFIT will probably say his software can handle the rules but maybe not the BS changes of like maybe hitting a 5-card 12 vs 4 becasue you may have a chance at that 7-card automatic winner.

Then he'll figure knowing the "exact" answer, or as an "exact" answer as the software could give him, decide the software wouldn't pay for itself in the next 50,000 hands anyway lol.

Then he'll just say to himself "screw it", get conservative and assume worst case, subtract a little for re-spliiting Aces, ignore the 7-card Charlie, and let the 7's stuff fall where it may or, maybe even assume these guys probably have half a clue and I'll just go with 0.54% lol.

Then we'll all just ask him why he seems to care so much more about the rate at which he will lose money than the broader truth, perhaps, he is doomed to lose a little money either way lol.

Kasi said:
Funny stuff lol.

Worrying about 0.04% difference lol.

To put it in perspective, even I wouldn't worry about which is "right" lol.
Think about that one lol.

Watch out though, Goalposter may come back to you guys after playing 1,000,000 $5 hands and, after being behind $27,000, ask whether he is $1,000 above or below EV.

Then he'll ask, was your Basic Strategy calc, comp or total dependent.

Then he'll ask was that using a cut-card or not lol?

Then he'll ask whether or not either of you were assuming the recommended Basic Strategy changes to realize the essentially meaningless advantage of a 7-card Charlie in the first place lmao.

Then he'll likely guess that both are probably only very reasonable guesses after all, and, in his pursuit of absolute truth lol, ask QFIT if his software could likely handle such a question and possibly generate any deviations from BS as necessary.

Then QFIT will probably say his software can handle the rules but maybe not the BS changes of like maybe hitting a 5-card 12 vs 4 becasue you may have a chance at that 7-card automatic winner.

Then he'll figure knowing the "exact" answer, or as an "exact" answer as the software could give him, decide the software wouldn't pay for itself in the next 50,000 hands anyway lol.

Then he'll just say to himself "screw it", get conservative and assume worst case, subtract a little for re-spliiting Aces, ignore the 7-card Charlie, and let the 7's stuff fall where it may or, maybe even assume these guys probably have half a clue and I'll just go with 0.54% lol.

Then we'll all just ask him why he seems to care so much more about the rate at which he will lose money than the broader truth, perhaps, he is doomed to lose a little money either way lol.

How true. Nice post.



Well-Known Member
also - I'm assuming that he'll need to adjust BS in order to account for 7 card 21 autowin, and the 7-7-7 paying double? Or is there not really any big adjustments? I don't know, but thought I'd bring it up.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
I come up with 0.52, doing some quick figuring on my own.

I would be best to learn to do your own calcs., not rely on others, including CBJN.
To be more accurate I came up with 0.51%. I've found that CBJN is often off on its odds calculations.