House of Pain?


Well-Known Member
This is just a throw up question to members to see if it happens more times yes than not. Is there a casino in your playing career that just seems to be your house of pain? I mean do you seem to lose more times at this joint then any others that you frequent. I have one that it seems and yes it seems that I lose more times than come away winning at this place. When in Vegas of course going from store to store you hit and run as you would with any concentration of stores in any given area.


Well-Known Member
This is a non-issue.

A person "experiencing" this non-phenomena is simply mis-perceiving a short-run phenomena as reality.

"Anything can happen in the short run", is applicable here.

Let me know when you play at a particular store 36 times and lose 32 of those times — then we can discuss it.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Let me know when you play at a particular store 36 times and lose 32 of those times — then we can discuss it.
with enough counters out there, i would expect at least one of them to experience this :devil:


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
This is just a throw up question to members to see if it happens more times yes than not. Is there a casino in your playing career that just seems to be your house of pain? I mean do you seem to lose more times at this joint then any others that you frequent. I have one that it seems and yes it seems that I lose more times than come away winning at this place. When in Vegas of course going from store to store you hit and run as you would with any concentration of stores in any given area.
Mostly that's just coincidence. (provided you are playing a beatable game.) I do have a store like that... but after careful analysis.. I have determined the game to be adequate, but the very attractive Asian pit critters seem to be throwing my game off! :laugh::devil:


Well-Known Member
Pain houses

I agree this is a non-issue to say the least but it is a oddity for some people who play on a regular basis on a circuit of stores. All the other factors considered to be the same is there one store that seems you have a harder time winning at then the other. The opposite may be true where you seem and I do mean seem that you always come out a winner. I think anyone who plays with a level of expertise knows that this statement in general is a fallacy.
Turning Stone! I have only been there a few times but I have never had anything good happen there. Maybe the generally miserable environment there amplifies the negative memories.


Well-Known Member

50% of my hours in last year is at one casino and I've lost 75% of the time.
My net loss on this casino are over 20k. They are 500% sure that I'm a counter including pit,dealers and other working staff. My spread at this joint is unbelivable higher than whatever you can think of..

Rest of my play is spreaded across the nation and has made me good money to reach 95% of my EV. I just consider them lucky and waiting for their streak to end and hoping to get my money back :)
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Well-Known Member
I play one local place with a good shoe game at which I never seem to see any counts. I'll play there for a couple of hours, thinking to myself why have I not had the opportunity to put out more than a 2-4 unit bet. I try to stick around, rationalizing that it's a good game and I shouldn't just go elsewhere, but the cycle repeats itself almost every time I'm there.


Well-Known Member
I actually changed my record keeping format two years ago because of this exact situation. My win/loss records consists of date, type of game and rules, house edge, hands played win/loss. No mention of casino name or location. My second log list date, shift, casino, number of hands and heat related comments, but no results. I use the second log to plan my play and rotation so that I don't over play one place or return to a location and shift too soon, where I have previously had a problem. Sort of a double blind book-keeping method. Might seem crazy but it works for me. :eek:


Well-Known Member
relative stats

Thanks for the input from those who track their trips and sessions. Like daddy bo stated play a joint for 36 times and lose 32 times and we'll talk. I don't think enough of the players track their play closely enough to statistical evaluate what I was thinking so thanks anyways.