How about GOOD dealers you've had

Mr. Fenner

I was sitting at third base, betting $100 on my hand (+12 count) and i was dealt a 7, 3. I doubled down, dealer showing a 4. The dealer flipped a ten for 14, and then drew a 7 for 21. He flipped my card showing an 10, gave a sigh and ignored my bet. He saved me 200 dollars there!:joker:


Well-Known Member
ever had a buy in amount mistake? like they gave you more chips than you gave them money for. for instance I bought in for $280 once and they said "changing 300 cash" and gave me 300 in chips even though they counted the money like 3 times, I'm beginning to wonder if they did it on purpose


Well-Known Member
beat320 said:
ever had a buy in amount mistake? like they gave you more chips than you gave them money for. for instance I bought in for $280 once and they said "changing 300 cash" and gave me 300 in chips even though they counted the money like 3 times, I'm beginning to wonder if they did it on purpose
That's never happened to me. With all the pains they go through counting the money and chips--spreading the bills side by side in groups of $100, measuring the chips out and then breaking down one column into easily countable parts, having the pit person check the count--that's a rare occurrence, I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
The friendliest dealers I have found in AC is at the Trump Marina. The guys at the crap table are exceptionally good. The one time that a dealer got on my nerves was on a cruise ship . My first hand was a soft 18 against the dealers 10 . I think nothing of it and hit . BAM! another 10 I'm pat 18. Every body at the table was pat. The dealer hole card was a 4 . She hits BAM! 7 21 oh ****! No body at the table had the least idea how to play BJ and blamed me for their loss WOW! A whole $5 . I asked the dealer to take up for me and tell the bunch of old ladies I was right. She shook her head and said never hit a 18 . I said dam'it ! it was a soft 18 . She no, no never and told the old ladies that I should give them their $5 back. To beat it all , I could not find anyone to agree with me, not even the pit boss. From then on I took first base, Lord help if I doubled on a soft A-7 with a 5 or 6 showing and take the dealer bust card. For the rest of the trip when she dealt at my table , she would ask me if I was still taking a hit on 18. Needless to say , I gave her a bad rating at the end of the trip. PS --- I have found that most cruise ship I have been on would be a card counter's heaven.


When I was young single and had money....along time ago. I was up about $400.00 and this cute dealer showed up. She started me with 3 black jacks in 5 hands with a fairly negative count. I tipped her well and she gave me that look. I played her tables most of the night and tipped generously. We ended up meeting after her shift for drinks and things only got better from there.....................enough said. Pugi


la_dee_daa said:
one dealer at the start of a new shoe offered me the lucky lady side bet after he already had delt one card to me which was a Q of hearts. But the next card he gave me was an 8 of hearts unforntuatly.


I love the lucky ladies haha when I was in Atlantic City I think I was at the showboat they dealer told me that the lucky ladies was a sucker bet etc etc. which it may be but I sure came out ahead on it I would put $5 on it probably on 75% of the hands I was there for 3 days I think I came out a couple hundred ahead.. of course I hit the suited Q's the only time I didnt play the LL table!


Well-Known Member
David086 said:
I love the lucky ladies haha when I was in Atlantic City I think I was at the showboat they dealer told me that the lucky ladies was a sucker bet etc etc. which it may be but I sure came out ahead on it I would put $5 on it probably on 75% of the hands I was there for 3 days I think I came out a couple hundred ahead.. of course I hit the suited Q's the only time I didnt play the LL table!
well the house does have a 25% edge and with it. i love it when i spread to 2 hands and the guy next to be has a lucky lady bet and the 2 queen of hearts get split apart instead of falling both on his hand.. i like to think i have control of this flow of the cards :devil:



la_dee_daa said:
well the house does have a 25% edge and with it. i love it when i spread to 2 hands and the guy next to be has a lucky lady bet and the 2 queen of hearts get split apart instead of falling both on his hand.. i like to think i have control of this flow of the cards :devil:

Oh man thats just mean...