How are the odds if I don't ever increase my bet?


Say I count cards but to keep the heat off me i'll just bet one amount every time and play the cards depending on what my count is. I'd imagine this wouldn't give me an advantage but how much would it increase my odds?



Well-Known Member
Where do you play ,that you need to be that concerned
about heat?As one of the major advantages of CC is spreading your bets,I can't see why you wouldn't do this.Perhaps you shouldn't use a 1-10 spread,but certainly flatbetting isn't your only answer.
Keep in mind that casinos have different shifts so with even three casinos to choose from,you can play twice a week and only see the same pitboss every few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Play on $5 tables, the casinos don't care if you count on the low end tables because you are not a threat to their bankroll there. You can spread your bets from 1 to 15 units without raising any attention. This has been my experience with the low end tables.


Well-Known Member
Miscounting your cards is a great way to throw off any heat. If its a face down game,just stay on 22 ,or throw in your cards on a four card 21. Someone will catch it,
"save " you money and convince everyone you are a moron or a total newbie.


Well-Known Member

In "Burning the Tables in Las Vegas", Ian Andersen describes someone who very successfully did just what you're thinking of. It's called "depth charging", and my guess is that you need to know a lot of indices and get super penetration.