how can the count stay so negative?


I'm using a count from a Canfield book; A,8,2 are zero, 9 and 10 are -1, and 3-7 are +1.

Counting a 6 deck game today with the shuffle point about 2 decks from the end of the shoe, I spent nearly the entire shoe between -3 and -16. How the heck do you wager on that with anything but flat?

Also, when you convert running to actual count, I understand a +8 with 4 decks left, for example, is a +2...but what about when the numbers are negative? Is a -8 with four decks really a -2?



Well-Known Member
I've never heard of that counting system but chances are you should still run into your fair share of positive counts as well. Perhaps you missed something regarding the details for the counting system.

It is true though, if 4 decks remain and the RC is -8 then the TC is -2.


Well-Known Member
When count is negative

.....than it doesn't matter what is true count.
Whenever count is negative you bet minimum. So you do not have to keep track of negative true count.

If you change play of your hands according to count (deviating from basic strategy according to true count) than you need to keep track of negative true count.


Single deck question

In SD play, shouldn't the count (Hi-Lo) vary around zero? Shouldn't the count restart at zero with each new deck, no matter waht the running count is anyway?