How do you react when backed off?


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about acting like you're severely retarded, but a high functioning person with a mild disability. Couldn't be downs syndrome, though, because they have a particular appearance. Just talk kind of slow when you say hi to the pit boss, and slack your jaw a little bit.


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
I'm not talking about acting like you're severely retarded, but a high functioning person with a mild disability. Couldn't be downs syndrome, though, because they have a particular appearance. Just talk kind of slow when you say hi to the pit boss, and slack your jaw a little bit.
Don't forget to drool...


Well-Known Member
Like many of you I have never been backed-off, however I always thought that in a very freindly way I would simply thank the critter and say your right, I am up pretty good, if I stay here and play, I will lose it all. Simply acting oblivious to the fact that the casino is telling me to stop playing, and not just suggesting that I stop. Having never to been backed off before, I would not guarantee that I would get angry inwhich I would just shut-up and walk.
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Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
As they can't do it to you in AC,I wouldn't spend much time thinking about it.
I visit Las Vegas no less than twice a year for 9- or 10-day stays, since my wife has relatives there and we both have friends there. We own an acre in Pahrump where we plan to build a home in about three years, if we can't find what we want in Vegas itself.
moo321 said:
I'm not talking about acting like you're severely retarded, but a high functioning person with a mild disability. Couldn't be downs syndrome, though, because they have a particular appearance. Just talk kind of slow when you say hi to the pit boss, and slack your jaw a little bit.
Then they'll think you're on drugs.

Theoretically, they're not supposed to deal to you if you are drunk or on drugs, and there's probably something on the books about retarded too. If I ever pull a stunt along these lines, it's going to be either wheelchair, or playing in obvious drag. Those people get special protection from discrimination.

A retarded drag queen in a wheelchair, that's the ticket!


Well-Known Member
I have not been backed off but have felt some heat a couple of times:

#1: Excellent SD game in MS. $10 table spreading $10-$75. Young male PB starts staring at me. I had ratholed a lot of chips during bathroom breaks so I did not look to be up a lot. However, it was the unnerving stare you read about so I started flat betting. I think I was flatbetting $20 and I started winning every hand! I was grinning from ear to ear. Finally I had my fill, I think it was flight time, and walked with about $500, $300 of which I had ratholed over at least a couple of hours. Yes, I played a little too long but the game was too d@mn good! The place still sends me comp night offers so apparently no hard feelings.

#2: Decent $5 DD game in Vegas, off strip location. I was doing well with the hit and run approach, 1 hour max session. Win $100-$200 and move on. Until I got to this place. I got down a bit and got stubborn. I knew I could beat this game! I played too long. Another guy at the table was playing green. He lost his money, bought in again, and then caught fire. I am there spreading 1-5 up to $25 while he has this huge stack of green. I got my money back and started to get into positive territory. An old male PB game up behind the dealer and started with the glaring death stare. Funny thing was, I was not sure if it was me or the other guy who was the target. In any event, I was hungry and that was a good time to leave with a little bit of their money.

So both times I played too long when I felt the heat. I like the idea of coming back to a good place to play about every 8 hours to play for 1 hour on a different shift. That is what I will do when I go to Vegas in late August.

If I do get backed off someday, my plan was to jump over the table and start choking the PB.
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Active Member
I have played for 3 months - 5 trips to Vegas and one other location with a spread of 50-400 in DD and 100-400 backcounting 6D. Have won $18K overall and had one backoff and just acted puzzled and left politely. As mentioned earlier, it was a learning experience, I played too long in one spot. But I have clearly been close to a backoff in about 4 other situations - calls to pit with PB turning to stare at me while on the phone, reading my rating sheet, eyes back to me, etc. Or having 3-4 PBs staring at my bets, turning to each other with comments, then all eyes turning back to my next bet. Probably the spreads caught attention from eye above. So I quickly departed in these situations. Question - do you think these casinos where I have probably left just prior to a backoff have an entry in my player club file indicating something like "suspected counter"? With big casino chains, I continue to use the card, since comps are a helpful way to control expenses, but I wonder if I am pushing the envelope and should start to play with no player card in casinos where I have attracted this heat? If such a note has been entered by one casino, I assume it would be noticed by all casinos in that big chain when I first present my card on future visits. I think it is also possible some casinos have tolerated my counting, since, with ratholing, I may appear to be an overall loser. But generally, it seems the spread is much more of an issue to them than whether I am winning or losing. My only backoff came when I was down $1,000.


Well-Known Member
Knox said:
If I do get backed off someday, my plan was to jump over the table and start choking the PB.
Novel approach!

Seriously, I like your style of play (not quoted above). Continued good luck!


Well-Known Member
bj42 said:
Question - do you think these casinos where I have probably left just prior to a backoff have an entry in my player club file indicating something like "suspected counter"?
Great question. I assume they do. I will be visiting my friend who works "in the sky" in Vegas in October at which time I will ask him. But my guess, like yours, is "Yes. They mark you down as suspected card counter." I hope the veteran pros on the forum chime in with their knowledge and experience.


Well-Known Member
A few months ago, I had an "AC backoff" reshuffling. While I haven't been back to that house, I've been to others with the same ownership. I cautiously tested out my comp card and no problems whatsoever, to my surprise.


Well-Known Member
From my understanding of the situation, generally they won't mark your file until they actually back you off or are walking towards you to back you off. I know a fair few players that have attracted the kind of attention that has been descirbed above, left before being backed off and have gone back with no problem as long as they've left a good break (at least 6 months).



Well-Known Member
bj42 said:
I have played for 3 months - 5 trips to Vegas and one other location with a spread of 50-400 in DD and 100-400 backcounting 6D. Have won $18K overall and had one backoff and just acted puzzled and left politely
What type of bankroll are you playing with (curious)? Your DD spread of 1-8 is quite strong so you are pushing the envelope there. You might do better with a lower spread, perhaps 1-5 or 6, to avoid getting the boot from some of your favored places to play.


Active Member
Have a 28K bankroll. I think that is good advice, since my spread and max bet are pretty aggressive for my bankroll. Like a few others on this site, I have carved out a little retirement hobby that could offer some modest income over a period of time if I manage it correctly.


Well-Known Member
bj42 said:
Have a 28K bankroll. I think that is good advice, since my spread and max bet are pretty aggressive for my bankroll. Like a few others on this site, I have carved out a little retirement hobby that could offer some modest income over a period of time if I manage it correctly.
i'm in the same boat doing the retirement gig, sort of. retired then re-employed but still playing blackjack. my bankroll is only $6K built off a $300 starting roll. but it's replentishble to some extent. well anyway have fun, bring in the benjamins and be careful dude.