How do you tell a dealer don't touch the chips you just place?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I am superstitious or not. But it seems that this dealer has some voodoo magic.

There is this female dealer in Rivers casino. If someone win three hands in a roll, she will touch the chips just before she deals the cards even the chips are aligned perfectly. And the big problem is that 90% of the chance she will win the next hand after she touches them. At first, I thought she don't like the way the chips are stacked up. So I carefully put chips in a perfect cylinder. But she still touches them. Eventually I figure out the pattern. She only touch the chips she want to take away, specifically the players who are winning, who have lots of chips or who are in a winning streak.

What is the best way to tell her stop touching the perfectly placed chips?


Well-Known Member
Look her straight in the eye and tell her she is gonna draw back a nub next time she touches your effin chips.


Well-Known Member
NightStalker said:
"Don't touch my cards,chips.. Everytime you touch, i lose."
This is very well accepted by wise dealer.
And a bit of a sheepish grin adds a nice touch.


Active Member
Maybe you should use her voodoo for you. Tell her if she touches your cards and you win; there is a tip in it for her.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Be smart

Tell her she can touch your chips only if she has a ten card in the hole. :cool2:


Well-Known Member
chip toucher

Take out a piece of black onyx and place it pointed toward her and tell her it's the death rock. I tell you she will never touch your chips again.


Well-Known Member
You need not say anything.

Just as she is about to deal reach out and grab your chips and turn them over.

Or, just as quickly, reach out and swap the chips for some others.

Of course, you can play against other dealers.

Where is this casino anyway ?


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
Take out a piece of black onyx and place it pointed toward her and tell her it's the death rock. I tell you she will never touch your chips again.
When it's superstition V superstition, superstition wins! Jim's black death rock should do the trick. You could also start waving around a piece of cloth allegedly worn by Custer, as well. DO NOT MAKE ME INVOKE THE CURSE OF CUSTER CONTAINED IN THIS CLOTH! MY CHIPS ARE TOUCH-FREE!


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Where is this casino anyway ?
It is the Rivers casino in Pittsburgh. So far, I am 8 for 8 on winning in the Meadows but 3 for 7 in the Rivers. I know at least 2 female dealers practicing the same Voodoo magic in the Rivers. But so far all male dealers I encountered are all right.

I am a scientist. At first, I told myself things like this don't matter. But after playing with these female dealers a few times for more than 10 hours, I have different perception how the universe, mathematics and physics work. Note that the Rivers casino is owned by a group of black people. The owners operate the casinos differently. I heard they hire high priestesses from Haiti to bless and curse objects, also training employees etc.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
You need not say anything.

Of course, you can play against other dealers.
That is my solution. Actually it is not only her but also some other female dealers in the Rivers, although in a less degree. So now I only play at the tables with male dealers and I am back to my winning streak.


Well-Known Member

BJgenius007 said:
It is the Rivers casino in Pittsburgh. So far, I am 8 for 8 on winning in the Meadows but 3 for 7 in the Rivers. I know at least 2 female dealers practicing the same Voodoo magic in the Rivers. But so far all male dealers I encountered are all right.

I am a scientist. At first, I told myself things like this don't matter. But after playing with these female dealers a few times for more than 10 hours, I have different perception how the universe, mathematics and physics work. Note that the Rivers casino is owned by a group of black people. The owners operate the casinos differently. I heard they hire high priestesses from Haiti to bless and curse objects, also training employees etc.
This is a joke right???? You counting cards? Not the voodoo stuff..:eek:
Remember 1 plus 1 usually, is 2. If i were you i would go back to being a scientist. Counting isnt for you buddy. I would run run far away....
You might need help might be voodooed up already from them females..



Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
I don't know if I am superstitious or not. But it seems that this dealer has some voodoo magic.

There is this female dealer in Rivers casino. If someone win three hands in a roll, she will touch the chips just before she deals the cards even the chips are aligned perfectly. And the big problem is that 90% of the chance she will win the next hand after she touches them. At first, I thought she don't like the way the chips are stacked up. So I carefully put chips in a perfect cylinder. But she still touches them. Eventually I figure out the pattern. She only touch the chips she want to take away, specifically the players who are winning, who have lots of chips or who are in a winning streak.

What is the best way to tell her stop touching the perfectly placed chips?
Next time you have this dealer, here's what you do:

In advance, place a turkey wishbone, three pebbles, a clove of garlic, 2 red, 2 green and 2 black peppercorns, and a 1 inch lock of hair (tied with string) in a small bag. Before the deal, dump the contents of the bag in front of you before you place your bet.

The dealer will ask you if you're playing. Say, "Shu du barri dona nixbee kappa cluek denari shum." Then put you bet out and say, "You may touch my chips if you wish."

Pick up all the stuff and place it back in the bag and tuck it into your pocket.

Each time the dealer touches your chips, clap your hands one time. That should do it.

Be sure to let me know what happens.


Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
This is a joke right???? You counting cards? Not the voodoo stuff..:eek:
Remember 1 plus 1 usually, is 2. If i were you i would go back to being a scientist. Counting isnt for you buddy. I would run run far away....
You might need help might be voodooed up already from them females..

I know it sounds ridiculous. But it is really new to me. I have played all casinos in NV and AC and never have such a weird feeling. I think the Rivers casino owners are unique because they are black and could see things in new sight. They may find a perfect way to run a casino, albeit differently.


Well-Known Member
well crap

BJgenius007 said:
I know it sounds ridiculous. But it is really new to me. I have played all casinos in NV and AC and never have such a weird feeling. I think the Rivers casino owners are unique because they are black and could see things in new sight. They may find a perfect way to run a casino, albeit differently.
Now i'm going to have to come see for myself....:) I hope things change for the better ...I'm betting they will.



Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
Now i'm going to have to come see for myself....:) I hope things change for the better ...I'm betting they will.

Welcome to Pittsburgh. Walking into the Rivers casino is quite an experience for me because it is not like any casino I have visited in the past. They do things quite differently. It is like white men are from Mars and black men are from Venus.


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Welcome to Pittsburgh. Walking into the Rivers casino is quite an experience for me because it is not like any casino I have visited in the past. They do things quite differently. It is like white men are from Mars and black men are from Venus.
Rivers casino, huh? I think Tarzan likes Joan Rivers. He might be able to help there. Gee, what next? A Voodoo casino run with Haitian voodoo practices? I suggest Pat Robertson might be able to help as well, if he isn't already spooked with white feathers, pins and chickens. And Aslan's spell-maker looks promising. :joker:


Well-Known Member
Why would you go into a casino run by black people if you're THAT convinced that black people are cheaters?


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
Why would you go into a casino run by black people if you're THAT convinced that black people are cheaters?
because the Rivers is the prettiest and most luxurious casino in the world. And I did not say black people are cheaters. Using a creative way to guarantee the casino is always winning is not cheating. Actually I admire the owners very much for them thinking outside the box.