How do you think the Casino's Feel about "21"

How do the Casino's Feel about 21?

  • They are excited, business and revenue will increase

    Votes: 24 60.0%
  • they are nutural, it wont matter one way or the other

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • They are worried, everyone will be card counting.

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
A) They are excited, business will raise, revenue will raise

B) They are Nutural, it wont make any difference at all

C) They are worried, everyone is going to learn how to count cards.


Well-Known Member
Publicly traded companies take a rather different view of things than we do.
The last thing they want is a temporary surge in revenue.Thats actually a bad thing for the bean-counters,as once they hit a certain mark in a quarter,its expected they will do it everytime.
I don't think the movie is going to make much of a difference in their bottom lines.


Well-Known Member
i think they are licking their chops but Shadroch does got a point. these birds think budget and along those lines.


Well-Known Member
The casinos aren't scared!

In fact yesterday I saw the Las Vegas convention promotoing "21" Blackjack became very popular when Beat the Dealer came out at first the casinos tightened their rules the wrong way you could only double on "11" that made people run from the game. Now the casinos have rules in vegas that gives the house a huge house edge that ploppies will except a 6 to 5 blackjack payout to be able to double down on any two cards and after a split giving them a bigger house edge than double on "11". Second most people that see the movie even if they where to pick up how to count make to many basic stragedy mistakes too play a winning game even if the casino offered good rules.
The movie "21" is like a slot player holding up a $1,000,000 check for hitting a slot jackpot. Saying hay look at all the money such and such won here and you can too so try your luck at blackjack.
If the player plays at a 6 to 5 table he will have a little to no shot at making money even for his short trip to vegas he will give his money to the dealer play a couple of hours and go home with less than he started with.


Well-Known Member
I had a thought the other day that in the dawn of the movie there will be a huge delay in time before additial proficient card counters actually start hitting the casinos, since you cant just become a card counter overnight.

I think the casinos will have reacted and gotten over it before this happens


Ferretnparrot said:
I had a thought the other day that in the dawn of the movie there will be a huge delay in time before additial proficient card counters actually start hitting the casinos, since you cant just become a card counter overnight.
You did, didn't you? zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
You did, didn't you? zg
no I surfed the web for info and practiced at and read books for 5 months prior to turnign 21, and even then once i hit the casinos it still took another month before i felt i had it down 100% to the point where i was teaching myself things instead of reading from a book.


Well-Known Member
Carmine782 said:
A) They are excited, business will raise, revenue will raise

B) They are Nutural, it wont make any difference at all

C) They are worried, everyone is going to learn how to count cards.
Planet Hollywood actually has the ads for this game right on the felt on about half of their blackjack tables so obviously they aren't worried about it.


Well-Known Member
Ferretnparrot said:
there will be a huge delay in time before additial proficient card counters actually start hitting the casinos
Yes, but there might be an immediate uptick in inept card counters, it will be interesting to see.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Yes, but there might be an immediate uptick in inept card counters, it will be interesting to see.
so maybe the casino's will be watching as well just to make sure they are inept. watching their bottom line as well maybe to see just how the movie affects that. maybe if things go well for them they'll sponser another movie.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The learning curve vs the failure rate

Though I have no stats to back up my following statement, I do guess that perhaps something close to 90% of the people who at least pick up a book or check a web site about cardcounting (or see a movie) and attempt it, fail and give up. In that process they increase casino profits. The failure reasons are many fold. Many people find this to be work and they feel that they do not go to a casino for work. Others will be killed by lack of bankroll, lack of learning the basics and going to the casino well before they are prepared. Negative variance and the swing of negative variance on a high count, will convince others it just does not work. For those who last a little longer the failure to properly spread will take their money often but perhaps slower.
Then for those who start off with some positive variance we have overbetting because of false confidence and the understanding of how casinos work, how they are all a little different and the ability to have that sixth sense that tells you to leave before you are asked to do so.

Then there is the time it actually takes to become proficient and this especially goes for playing in locations that encounter cardcounting often, like Vegas. Can you converse with the pit, waitress, dealer and other players and quickly glance at the cards, get your count and make the correct plays in a flash? Can you do this in a pitch game where you are only seeing some of the cards till the hand is over? Can you apply all the indices you know while this is happening? Can you do this and look like another gambler and not a tennis fan watching every card hit the felt? Can you take it when they are kicking your butt and keep putting the money out when you know you have an advantage (this is big)?

These and perhaps a ton of other things I have not thought about this morning, leave me to firmly believe that casino blackjack profits will go up for a period of time. In fact the few individuals who may be spurred on by a movie to become proficient counters will never effect that casino bottom line. If, for instance, I go to Vegas and take 20,000 from multiple high scale strip properties, it has no effect on them. But if I thought I could take it from downtown places like El Cortez, where it would effect their bottom line, I would be stopped.
The only danger for casino profits might come further down the road if the movie causes more blackjack teams to be formed with good controls and leadership, (their are all sorts of pitfalls internally in blackjack teams that make many start up teams complete failures). That today is basically the only blackjack threat to them and tomorrow it will still be the only threat. The casino that gets hit by an individual counter for high 6 or 7 figures deserves it and it does not happen very often I think. If they can not recognize the play of someone betting in the tens of thousands, they certainly deserve what they get, but I believe at that level, any casino that takes that kind of action must have someone who can stop the action.

Now all this said, and if I am correct, that still does not mean that all casinos will be totally unparanoid about the movie. They live in a very paranoid universe and at the beggining it might be interesting to see how different places react if at all. Later they will tend to play follow the leader.



Well-Known Member
Well said Mr. 17.

I completely agree with your take on the counters response.

My only concern is whether casinos may use this movie as an excuse to employ worse rules. 6:5 has become an epidemic in Vegas, and I'm sure I'll see more of the like on my trip to Reno this weekend. Peppermill recently tossed their few good rule games, and it is becoming very difficult to find a good game anymore.


Well-Known Member
I'm not exactly sure how this will play out. Hopefully, the games won't get any worse. Seems like the last couple times I was in Vegas or Reno, finding a good game took too long for me and last time some of those few good games had disappeared.


New Member
All publicity is good publicity

The movie will generate interest and short run revenue rise.. it will only be sustained if people truly become interested in BJ. If it follows the televisoon poker phenemona it will help the casinos.