how does DD pitch games work?


Well-Known Member
I understand u can hold the cards with one hand and u turn the cards over if u bust or have BJ but my question is is how does it work if you want to split or double down? do u turn over ur cards? and also what if u have blackack and the dealer shows an Ace, do u still flip it over or do u do the insurance?


Well-Known Member
pitch game tips:
use only one hand for all card movements. use the other hand for chip movements.

its not poker, you can loosely hold your cards and allow others to see.

flip over blackjacks right away and celebrate

for splits and doubles you have to show the cards. put them on the table face up and place the bet so the dealer knows you want to do an action but let the dealer adjust the spacing of the cards and bets herself.

drag the cards against the felt if you want to hit. place the cards under your bet to stand.

if you bust, throw them in face up in front of your bet so that others can count the cards.


I watched a pitch game once. If everyone followed your suggested play I would have played. Most people mucked their losing hands so I didnt play. Never gave them much thought after that.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
I watched a pitch game once. If everyone followed your suggested play I would have played. Most people mucked their losing hands so I didnt play. Never gave them much thought after that.
In my exp most dealers will spread the cards out and count them to ensure you have busted. Regardless of what the player did to the cards after a bust.


Well-Known Member
When I first started playing pitch games, I had a lot of trouble with the one hand rule. I kept using two hands, until someone showed me to keep one hand on my beer at all times. Worked like a charm.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
I watched a pitch game once. If everyone followed your suggested play I would have played. Most people mucked their losing hands so I didnt play. Never gave them much thought after that.

The dealer spreads and checks busted hands which gives you time to count them.
I played 6-deck shoes many years. After learning DD, it is the game I prefer.


Another reason to like DD pitch..

.. which is the only game I prefer.. is gives the chance for the dealer to make a mistake and have you benefit from it. There have been at least 5+ times in the last month where an inexperienced dealer misdealt a hand and the PB said go ahead deal it out.. after it's dealt, if you win we pay you but if you lose you push... :grin:

I also like the speed of DD, it's fast but not lightning. I'll admit I've sat in shoe games where the dealer is SO fast it takes a lot of concentration to keep up. Plus the advantage is nicer =).


Get the money on the table!!!!!!

hardNock said:
.. which is the only game I prefer.. is gives the chance for the dealer to make a mistake and have you benefit from it. There have been at least 5+ times in the last month where an inexperienced dealer misdealt a hand and the PB said go ahead deal it out.. after it's dealt, if you win we pay you but if you lose you push... :grin:

I also like the speed of DD, it's fast but not lightning. I'll admit I've sat in shoe games where the dealer is SO fast it takes a lot of concentration to keep up. Plus the advantage is nicer =).
Sounds like a great opportunity to get more money on the table when the guaranteed push for a loss is announced in advance. Obviously your splitting strategy is now split all. What about your doubling strategy?


Well-Known Member
how does it work when u want to double down or split? does the dealer show the card for the split or double face down up?


Well-Known Member
Double down, face down but you can ask to see it. They will flash it to you. Sometimes they will play games and flash it to another player and not you just to mess with you. Splits, face up so you can hit or stand.


Well-Known Member
but as or the splits u turn them over then do u hold them to signal u want to hit or do you lay them on the table and do hand motions to signal u want to hit or stand


Well-Known Member
jingber05 said:
but as or the splits u turn them over then do u hold them to signal u want to hit or do you lay them on the table and do hand motions to signal u want to hit or stand
Lay them on the table and use hand motions. Also, some of the previous answers are subject to house rules. For example, I recently played at a place where the dealer cautioned the players about showing their hands to other players. Cards, including blackjack, were only to be exposed in turn.