How is my play?

I play $10 tables in Atlantic city. I bet according to the true count, for example, if true count is +3 then I bet $30, and so on. Usually, I stop increasing my bet at $50-60 if the count gets that high. Is this a solid strategy or could I use some improvements?


Well-Known Member
It seems ok to me, only thing is maybe not enough bet-spread. Depending on what the full circumstances are you might have to change/increase your bets steeper in a higher count. Like +1 or lower=1 unit, +2=2 units, +3=4units, +4=6 etc, or something like that.


Well-Known Member
neemo6 said:
What size of a bankroll are you playing with?
Yeah, if you want the number crunchers to give you good answers, post up as much info as you can about your bankroll, the rules of the game and your game etc.


Well-Known Member
Number crunchers.....

........need more info!:)

Number of decks
Rules of game
Counting System that you use

any extra info would help!:)


aussiecounter said:
It seems ok to me, only thing is maybe not enough bet-spread. Depending on what the full circumstances are you might have to change/increase your bets steeper in a higher count.
Actually WarEagle's spread $10-60 is quite sufficient IF he exits TC -1 or lower. On the other hand if he plays all counts with a min $10 bet his max bet will need to be $200 and a $20k+ BR. So avoid the minus counts and go to another table if necessary. zg
At the tables I play, by rule there are 8 decks. My bankroll is typically either 300-400. I try and find tables with about four other people already there. When the TC dips below -1, I leave the table. The minimum bet at the table is $10.


WarEagle34 said:
I play $10 tables ...... I stop increasing my bet at $50-60 if the count gets that high ...... My bankroll is typically either 300-400. I try and find tables with about four other people already there. When the TC dips below -1, I leave the table.
Your bankroll is nowhere near big enough. At some stage you will get the inevitable bad run and lose your tiny bankroll. In fact, you could lose it surprisingly quickly. Consider this: your bank is $400 and you bet $60 on a high count - you are dealt 88 versus the dealer's Ace - If you are playing Wong Table A4, or similar, you will insure and then split the 88s - assume you draw 3 on each 8 - you will double down on both - you now have $270 on the table. What happens if the dealer beats you? Only $130 left. Assume the count remains high. Do you bet high again or do you halve your bet? It doesn't matter greatly because if you draw a similar hand and lose it, you'll be broke! Broke in one and a half hands! Wow! It may never happen, of course :)

I think you would be wise to play off a higher bankroll - a $10 minimum bet needs a bankroll of at least $2000 otherwise fluctuations will wipe you out. Leaving the table at -1 is good but perhaps you ought to try joining tables with less players. When the count goes good, the less players eating up those good cards the better - the more for you!


recount said:
Your bankroll is nowhere near big enough. ...a $10 minimum bet needs a bankroll of at least $2000 otherwise fluctuations will wipe you out.
Unless the BR is "replenishable" and with a committed resolve to do so, $2000 is NOT enough - more like $5000+ would be appropriate. zg