How legal is legal?

I've read in various publications that you can't get ejected from a game in Atlantic City for card counting. How far could one push this? If I were to sit at a table, tell the dealer I'm going to count cards then call the count out at each hand would they walk me or put me in something like the Griffin Book (if it really exists)?


The way I understand it is this.. they can't bar you, but they could change the rules on you. If you count, and they know it, and you win, they could keep you from raising your bets, or they could shuffle whenever they want.
I got this from what I've read and heard, not from true knowlege of the laws or casino procedures, but I believe it's what theey could do against (successful) counters.
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Active Member
bubblesort said:
I've read in various publications that you can't get ejected from a game in Atlantic City for card counting. How far could one push this? If I were to sit at a table, tell the dealer I'm going to count cards then call the count out at each hand would they walk me or put me in something like the Griffin Book (if it really exists)?

it's quite simple, if you did that, they would smile, say "thanks for the warning" and proceed to shuffle after every hand. They can't kick you out, but they can switch up any rules they like, as for slapping you in the book (and it does exist), I doubt it, they'd probably deem you too dumb to be a threat if you just flat out told them you were going to count.