How many chips do I need?


New Member
I purchased plans for a home blackjack table with a 10 slot dealer chip tray. I already have a few 500 chip sets for poker, but I want to get a set specifically for the blackjack table. I decided on the Dunes Casino chips since Paulsons are ridiculously expensive. I was thinking of a 500 or 650 chip set. I was wondering if anyone else has a home table and what they stock it with. Plus I'm trying to figure out denominations as well. I figured I'd buy 1's, 5's, 25's 100's, and a few 500's. Any input would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
bkeefe said:
I purchased plans for a home blackjack table with a 10 slot dealer chip tray. I already have a few 500 chip sets for poker, but I want to get a set specifically for the blackjack table. I decided on the Dunes Casino chips since Paulsons are ridiculously expensive. I was thinking of a 500 or 650 chip set. I was wondering if anyone else has a home table and what they stock it with. Plus I'm trying to figure out denominations as well. I figured I'd buy 1's, 5's, 25's 100's, and a few 500's. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Whatever chips you decide on make sure you get some 0.50's. You need these if your game pays 2:3 on BJ. Otherwise you can't pay out correctly on BJ if an odd amount of money has been bet. These chips should only be payed out or exchanged and not excepted for bets.

I would also include 2's to your list, which are handy for low stakes games. if you plan to play for higher stakes then also some 1000's.


Well-Known Member
jay28 said:
Whatever chips you decide on make sure you get some 0.50's. You need these if your game pays 2:3 on BJ. Otherwise you can't pay out correctly on BJ if an odd amount of money has been bet.
I've been to a few indian casino's at low stakes tables that just have a roll of quarters. When they need the .50 cents (like on a red chip 3:2 BJ), they just toss out a red, two whites and two quarters. (Then, most people get upset at some point-usually because I've stood on 16 v. 10-at the proper count, of course- grab their chips and leave the quarters. I don't care, I just reach over and add them to my own!:grin: )


Well-Known Member
It depends on how many people you want to play with. Generally 500-1,000 chips is enough if you get the right proportions of each. For BJ you’ll want white, red, green and black. You might also want some purple and yellow if people are going to be playing higher limits. The proportions of each color will depend on what level you expect people to play at, but with 1,000 chips you should be able to cover most of the action even if everyone is betting at different levels.

I have 2 sets of 1,000 chips for my table but I usually just need about 200-300 to stock the float. For a 10-slot tray you can probably get away with a 250-chip fill and another 250 for buy-ins and refills.



Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:
I've been to a few indian casino's at low stakes tables that just have a roll of quarters. When they need the .50 cents (like on a red chip 3:2 BJ), they just toss out a red, two whites and two quarters. (Then, most people get upset at some point-usually because I've stood on 16 v. 10-at the proper count, of course- grab their chips and leave the quarters. I don't care, I just reach over and add them to my own!:grin: )

I have no idea if you are joking,but picking up quarters that aren't yours can get you arrested in many casinos.The casinos policy seem to be that any abandoned money is theirs. People in casinos have been arrested for finding a coin in a slot coins tray.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
casinos policy seem to be that any abandoned money is theirs.
This is my experience as well. Usually if the amount is small (less than table minimum) they will set it aside for a few minutes in case people come back for it; if nobody claims it, they treat it as a tip for the dealers.

I've seen them try to hunt down patrons twice. One pit boss phoned over to another pit when a patron left $10 (table minimum), and another pit boss actually ran after and hunted down a patron who left $25 at a $5 table.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
I have no idea if you are joking,but picking up quarters that aren't yours can get you arrested in many casinos.The casinos policy seem to be that any abandoned money is theirs. People in casinos have been arrested for finding a coin in a slot coins tray.
Thanks, I will take this under advisement. No one has seemed to care yet, but good to know!