How much have you lost?


I got my ass kicked again last night, I lost about $600. never was really up maybe 50 up.
After reading the post about "how much have u won" I wonder how much people down one day. now I need to save some $ start over again... seems only way to do it is win little by little...


Well-Known Member
I have lost a grand total of about 60 bucks during my entire Blackjack career. Very short career so far...unless you count the literally thousands of hands that I have been playing at home. Then I am probably farther in debt than the US government is :laugh:


Well-Known Member
roller coaster

My last three trips have been really up and down. Went up $600 in Vegas and then down $1400 for a net loss of $800. Then lost $40 at a local casino in 10 hands and walked away. Went to a Kansas City casino and won just over $200. It's been a slow start for the summer!
Gotta have Nerves of Steel

Don't dawn on your losses.... It comes in swings...

I lost $6000 in one hand last night lol

playin a grand a hand... got 2 eights... split them, got another eight... split the second pair, next card two, doubled down, got a 4. next hand, got a 3 , doubled down on my 11, a 5 came up.. 16. next hand, another 3!!!! doubled down , got a 6, 17.

dealer is showing a 5.... flips, has a 10 back.. iam thinking great 15... then the bastard pulls another 5 and totals 20.

Oh well. Btter luck next time I guess.

It works the other way too though... I won 30 grand in one hour last month in the back room at Rama. :cool2: