How much have you won?


Low bet

I bet $ 300 and one night I left with $ 1000 that was a good night for me!!!
When I have $ 600 I like to walk away.


One night I won £600 from my first buy in of £20, ( I had anticipated in using some of the rest of my bank roll that I had with me ) started playing with multiples of £2 then moving up to £4, took me about 6 hours :D now if only I could do that every night :rolleyes: take care and be lucky

Cheers ;)



Well-Known Member

This past week, we were in Vegas, downtown for the centenial celebration. I started out on DD for $5 with a $100 buyin on Wednesday night. By Thursday night I had close to $600 in winnings. Then on Friday (the 13th) "the cards turned." I think I played the next two days without winning a hand! I played at virtually all of the downtown casinos but the results were the same. I left Vegas with my shirt, but my tail was firmly tucked between my legs!

I go to Vegas for one reason....Blackjack. I care not a whit for the shows and slots. It's a situation I have to learn better to deal with that doesn't happen in the local casinos....what to do when normally I would walk away from the table and count my winnings? Instead of walking when I know I should, I continue playing even though I'm loosing simply because I do not have anything I'd rather be doing <sigh>.


Well-Known Member
My biggest win was $1145. Won $800 at one table, took a little break, then won $300 more at another table. One of those "could do no wrong" days.
Don't drink and drive...or play

The last two week span. Day 1: Won $260...Day 2: Won $500...then another $1,050...following day, won $1,740...for this 1st week, drinking only water and coffee at the tables. Couplke of days later, pulled an all-nighter at the tables, 15 hours, glasses and glasses of red wine, LOST $4,000. DO NOT DRINK AND PLAY. Stupid, stupid. Played 2 hours today, up $500, bottled water and 1 black coffee. Never again will I drink alcohol and play BJ.
most... least...

PLayed many games over the past few years... OVERALL WAY DOWN.

why? I use to play Basic Strat only.. no counting.. sometimes I would win some lose...

But, over time..... the .4% can do some damage..... I keep track everytime I gamble... right it in a log book... buy inn, cash out.

Since my dumb days I have learned to count, and seem to be doing better...

Most won... $5785.... 1000 bankroll, 1 hour... but stupid bets...

most lost... $2200.... 14 hrs....

overall..... $1970 in the hole...

Not bad really... I only go about one a week.. and I know I can win that money back easy enough. Does anyone ever play casino war?? It seems to be doing good for me, I know the odds are bad... but i seem to do ok everytime..


New Member
bubblesort said:
What's casino war?
This is a simple and straightforward card game. All cards are ranked according to their poker value and Aces are the highest.

The player and the dealer get one card each. If the player's card is better than the dealer's card, then the player wins even money. If the dealer's card is better than the player's card, the player loses.

If both cards are of equal value, then the player may either lose half his bet or elect to go to 'war' against the dealer (similar to the 'En Prison' rule in roulette). The player has also the option of a 10:1 side bet that the two initial cards will tie.

If the player elects to go to 'war', then he must double his bet. The dealer then disposes of or burns three cards before giving both the player and himself a second card. If the player's second card either beats or ties the dealer's second card, then the player wins even money on the raise and the original bet is a push. If the dealer's second card beats the player's second card the player loses both his original and the additional bet.

House advantage
Go to war on ties: 2.88%
Surrender on ties: 3.7%
Bet on ties: 18.65%


Well-Known Member
rzerector said:
The most ive won is about $1000, that was last week. I win consistently counting, about $2000 a week average.
What kind of bankroll are you using and what is your bet spread?