how not to get barred (or at least not as much)

Hello everybody, I have been a weekend warrior counter for 25 years, took a break in the mid 90's and now going back after the bastards with a passion. Worked at the Queens in the early 80's (craps) and played a little counting. Even though my max bet then was 50.00 and a bankroll of only 400.00 I was slapped in the ear on my escorted way out of the Horseshoe and kicked out of the Stardust for holecarding (they were SO sloppy). Anyway I own a restaurant and cant get away as much as I like. With only 200 vegas hours logged in the last 5 years and 300 hours elswhere Ive been asked to leave 5 times, so I have been trying ways to get my money and not be barred. I admit I've only logged a few dozen hours with my ideas (and let me say I dont read every book on the market, or every post, so if my ideas are not original, my bad) but maybe some insights can work with your strategy.

We all know the math and expected returns so I wont quote what we already know. And my game of choice is DD. My bets of choice is the 3 chipper, combo black and green (75 to 300) a nice 1 to 4 spread fairly easy to hide, and easy to go to 50 on a bad count, or my favorite, the "pesky" cell phone call when the count is in the dumpster.

Your opening bet (new deck) HAS TO be varied, It is a huge tell (75 to 150)

After a positive big win and the deck goes negative pull all money back and count your money, like your afraid of losing it back, a nice touch now and then is waiting for the dealer to remind you to place a bet, then of course your min bet.

After a positive big win and the count is still good, do the hand on heart, and lean back with a big "sigh of relief" and see if the boss was watching, if he is or you think hes counting with you and knows its a good position for a large bet, you have lay off, and then you have to do a few minorly stupid things over the next couple of shoes, things like stay on 15 against dealer 8, you get the idea.

Now a lot of you may not agree with this next one and if you are traveling 2 hours to a one horse town it is even harder, but bear with me. With my betting scale I expect to make about 120.00 an hour, and I think we all agree that more than 3 hours on any one pit, or casino is a bad idea. So lets assume you are betting the same stakes as myself and in the first 20 minutes you go up 400.00....You leave, get up, go over to the crap table and bet 5.00 pass line for a while. If they are watching you after only 20 min. they will assume your just a gambler and just wanting action, you can probable make them believe you lost it at the crap table if you whine to the other players.

Now I know what your thinking, blackjack is a game of putting the hours in, and I totally agree. But as big a pricks as some bosses are it is very rare indeed for them to 86 losers (at least in my observations) so the hours are put in getting your money back from shitty breaks and bad shoes. I would say 95% of the time when you are behind the decks are staying stagnant in negative and the few times it goes positive it just didnt go your way, but that also means the pit is not watching you, your bets stay low and your behind, your just another gambler to them.

Remember blackjack (after a shuffle) like craps has no memory, and you should know before sitting down, or through observations, how long you can play at you chosen spot before your in danger of being barred, so a goal of profit only makes sense so you can whack em another day.

So you understand my meaning here's a example, you go up that 400.00 in 20 min. and you want to play your 3 hours. But after 45 min. there watching you and even with another 300.00 or so up now your pegged, and a risk of the golden goose flying off. Remember they watch winners, and assume everybody is losers, act like a loser.

Other tidbits...

Anytime the boss is at the table and your bet is min. make a small basic stratagy mistake and make sure he sees it. Whining when it loses is a nice touch.

Anytime you lose a negative bet, and the deck went very positive in the prossess dont act sneeky with a large bet, instead act pissed and place your big bet in a manor that suggests you dare him to do that again. act like a gambler, act like a loser.

NEVER let me say again...NEVER give any casino your I.D. unless it cannot be avoided by law... there is absolutly nothing they can comp me to make up for me being in there (and more importantly) others data bank. I dont need there rooms or there meals, what I want I will buy (with there money).

I may be luckier than most, (I would never say more skilled, so luck it is) but I've always kept a log and track my gains and I've never had 3 losing sessions in a row, and the longest it has taken me to get back a losing streak was 25 logged hours (not one setting of course). I contribute this to a non gambler mentality. If any real intrest is shown to my meaning I will post at a later date

Well thats enough for my 1st post, if you like it and you want to here some stories or my poker vs blackjack insight let me know. Thanks for reading.

kemperpoker said:
Hello everybody, I have been a weekend warrior counter for 25 years, took a break in the mid 90's and now going back after the bastards with a passion. Worked at the Queens in the early 80's (craps) and played a little counting. Even though my max bet then was 50.00 and a bankroll of only 400.00 I was slapped in the ear on my escorted way out of the Horseshoe and kicked out of the Stardust for holecarding (they were SO sloppy). Anyway I own a restaurant and cant get away as much as I like. With only 200 vegas hours logged in the last 5 years and 300 hours elswhere Ive been asked to leave 5 times, so I have been trying ways to get my money and not be barred. I admit I've only logged a few dozen hours with my ideas (and let me say I dont read every book on the market, or every post, so if my ideas are not original, my bad) but maybe some insights can work with your strategy.

We all know the math and expected returns so I wont quote what we already know. And my game of choice is DD. My bets of choice is the 3 chipper, combo black and green (75 to 300) a nice 1 to 4 spread fairly easy to hide, and easy to go to 50 on a bad count, or my favorite, the "pesky" cell phone call when the count is in the dumpster.

Your opening bet (new deck) HAS TO be varied, It is a huge tell (75 to 150)

After a positive big win and the deck goes negative pull all money back and count your money, like your afraid of losing it back, a nice touch now and then is waiting for the dealer to remind you to place a bet, then of course your min bet.

After a positive big win and the count is still good, do the hand on heart, and lean back with a big "sigh of relief" and see if the boss was watching, if he is or you think hes counting with you and knows its a good position for a large bet, you have lay off, and then you have to do a few minorly stupid things over the next couple of shoes, things like stay on 15 against dealer 8, you get the idea.

Now a lot of you may not agree with this next one and if you are traveling 2 hours to a one horse town it is even harder, but bear with me. With my betting scale I expect to make about 120.00 an hour, and I think we all agree that more than 3 hours on any one pit, or casino is a bad idea. So lets assume you are betting the same stakes as myself and in the first 20 minutes you go up 400.00....You leave, get up, go over to the crap table and bet 5.00 pass line for a while. If they are watching you after only 20 min. they will assume your just a gambler and just wanting action, you can probable make them believe you lost it at the crap table if you whine to the other players.

Now I know what your thinking, blackjack is a game of putting the hours in, and I totally agree. But as big a pricks as some bosses are it is very rare indeed for them to 86 losers (at least in my observations) so the hours are put in getting your money back from shitty breaks and bad shoes. I would say 95% of the time when you are behind the decks are staying stagnant in negative and the few times it goes positive it just didnt go your way, but that also means the pit is not watching you, your bets stay low and your behind, your just another gambler to them.

Remember blackjack (after a shuffle) like craps has no memory, and you should know before sitting down, or through observations, how long you can play at you chosen spot before your in danger of being barred, so a goal of profit only makes sense so you can whack em another day.

So you understand my meaning here's a example, you go up that 400.00 in 20 min. and you want to play your 3 hours. But after 45 min. there watching you and even with another 300.00 or so up now your pegged, and a risk of the golden goose flying off. Remember they watch winners, and assume everybody is losers, act like a loser.

Other tidbits...

Anytime the boss is at the table and your bet is min. make a small basic stratagy mistake and make sure he sees it. Whining when it loses is a nice touch.

Anytime you lose a negative bet, and the deck went very positive in the prossess dont act sneeky with a large bet, instead act pissed and place your big bet in a manor that suggests you dare him to do that again. act like a gambler, act like a loser.

NEVER let me say again...NEVER give any casino your I.D. unless it cannot be avoided by law... there is absolutly nothing they can comp me to make up for me being in there (and more importantly) others data bank. I dont need there rooms or there meals, what I want I will buy (with there money).

I may be luckier than most, (I would never say more skilled, so luck it is) but I've always kept a log and track my gains and I've never had 3 losing sessions in a row, and the longest it has taken me to get back a losing streak was 25 logged hours (not one setting of course). I contribute this to a non gambler mentality. If any real intrest is shown to my meaning I will post at a later date

Well thats enough for my 1st post, if you like it and you want to here some stories or my poker vs blackjack insight let me know. Thanks for reading.

Great post and as Zen says Welcome!

I agree with all you say. I do not like to give up EV but a few stupid doubles and hits and some other very stupid acts, questions, can go a long way.



Well-Known Member
I can't help myself...You made a nice post about cover, then you out yourself by posting your website? Just wondering....JtMM


Well-Known Member
kemperpoker said:
Now I know what your thinking, blackjack is a game of putting the hours in, and I totally agree. But as big a pricks as some bosses are it is very rare indeed for them to 86 losers (at least in my observations) so the hours are put in getting your money back from shitty breaks and bad shoes.
i'm not sure i follow 100%, but my few backoffs have come when I was getting pounded, not while I was ahead. Many people have reported the same experience.

If you're saying they don't 86 people who look like losers (i.e. craps players, 3CP players, etc), then that is something different.

Thanks for reading my posts...

It does not help casinos who might read my post or see my website, finding out my name or what I look like does not help them. Many casinos have my picture, and only 2 that I know of have my name. But they still have to put them together...If a casino suspects me without knowing my name they still have to do face recognition, and if they have my name somewhere in there system again if I dont give them a name what good does it do them.

Its when you give a name for comps or "rewards" and a boss pegs you he can put a note on your name, so the next casino who slides your card may see the note and you got automatic heat.

Now I have not been everywhere and do not know everything but it is possible if anyone got outed on a losing night they may have been watched from there 1st bet, or just escaped under the gun on there last visit.

While were on the subject and it seems to have some interest let me add more of my 2 cents worth.

Only in the movies does a card counter want to be the center of attention with people cheering and high fiving your ever increasing stack ( the movie 21 has the characters first betting 1 chip and progressing up to about 25 ...LOL)
You never want to be the big bettor at the table, when I'm scouting a table and I see some fool betting high society I can do just about anything I want to and nobody even glances my way. I have been to many a casino that was dealing such a deep deck (80% DD) but the table was full of grunts playing reds...well, when in I play 10 to 50.

Like I have mentioned before I'm a DD man and of course a single when available, I will on occasion play a 6 deck on a 1 deck shuffle, but only if I can floor it. I'm sorry, I know a lot of you disagree with me on this but I believe you need at least a 1 to 8 spread to make money if you sit through the entire shoe and I truly believe that brings heat by the 3rd shoe.

But you cant just floor any shoe, if you are standing over a table watching a bunch of 5$ betters and half way through you jump in with your blacks and greens....RED FLAG...Find a table with at least 1 guy betting big, tables like this always attract spectators, your just another rubber neck tourist who now has the itch to try his luck.

I'll give an example from last week...I just finished a 2 hour session of DD, did a little better than expected, and the next shift was due in a hour so I decided to sit out and walk around awhile and spotted a mark betting 500 a hand and 500 on the suited cards side bet, the dealer just finished the shuffle so I decided to "watch the action"....The shoe was always in the positive but I like to come in after 3 decks if favorable, but this guy only started with about 6 K before the shoe and I was afraid he would piss it all away before I could come in. after 3 decks running count was 23 so I decide to "try my luck" I bet blacks 1 to 4...End of shoe, he drops the 6 plus 2 more and nobody give a **** that I picked up 800.

Gotta go...Later.


Well-Known Member
hand on chest

I really like the hand on chest leaning back idea-might help with the eye in the sky folks too.