How to clear a crowded table


Came up with a good, but probably expensive, way to clear a table out to allow for some heads up play.

Not sure if this would work, sit at third base and start making the dumbest moves ever. Pretty much play the complete opposite of what the average player thinks is BS. Then act like you know what your doing.

Once everyone leaves then start playing correctly.

Not sure if this would act like cover, or the complete opposite though xD


what sense does it make ? who will ever leave table if you play good or wrong ? as far as you gamble your own money why would other ploppy care ?.. i dont think some1 will ever leave table with your method


Well-Known Member
Mladonna said:
what sense does it make ? who will ever leave table if you play good or wrong ? as far as you gamble your own money why would other ploppy care ?.. i dont think some1 will ever leave table with your method
Watch what happens if somebody splits 10's. I've seen 2 or 3 people get up and leave.


Well-Known Member
I had an older man leave the table because I refused to hit my 13 v. 2. We were the only two playing. He held 20.

"You're going to hit, right?"

"No, sir."

"You have to hit. Someone has to hit before the dealer takes a card. I have 20."

I just looked at him. Dealer flips over an Ace and draws an 8, of course. As he was coloring up, the guy startled mumbling about what an idiot I was for not taking a card, that I would have had 21, etc. We had been playing for about an hour and he was up ~$300 or so. He toked the dealer a buck and left.

WTF never know what will cause a player to leave. Most will bitch and stay when someone makes an 'unorthodox' play, while others will leave for odd reasons like the above.
LovinItAll said:
I had an older man leave the table because I refused to hit my 13 v. 2. We were the only two playing. He held 20.

"You're going to hit, right?"

"No, sir."

"You have to hit. Someone has to hit before the dealer takes a card. I have 20."

I just looked at him. Dealer flips over an Ace and draws an 8, of course. As he was coloring up, the guy startled mumbling about what an idiot I was for not taking a card, that I would have had 21, etc. We had been playing for about an hour and he was up ~$300 or so. He toked the dealer a buck and left.

WTF never know what will cause a player to leave. Most will bitch and stay when someone makes an 'unorthodox' play, while others will leave for odd reasons like the above.
Some good combacks,,"That is peculiar sir, what is the reason for that"?

"And why would you say that sir"?

"Is that some new kind of basic strategy play, because I didn't see it on the card"?

"Thank you for calling me an idiot sir, I will return the compliment, you ARE an idiot!"

Then if he gets nasty tell him "GA has an 800 number,,,call it"!

And if someone ever threatens to throw down with you out in the parking lot, tell them if they want to go at it that bad then they can do it right here and now, let them throw first, then beat them silly using all you have.



Well-Known Member
Shoofly said:
Watch what happens if somebody splits 10's. I've seen 2 or 3 people get up and leave.
Agreed. I split 10's at a pitch game and at the time, there were 4 players (including myself). Not only did I split 10's, i re-split them until I had 4 hands. Dealer was showing 5, and flipped over a 2 and pulled a 4 followed by a 7 to beat everyone except for me.

After this play, I was the only remaining player :laugh:


Well-Known Member
MetaEdge said:
start making the dumbest moves ever. Pretty much play the complete opposite of what the average player thinks is BS.
Yes; this is usually the FIRST method employed by professionals. It works sometimes; sometimes you have to take additional measures. The well known hole card player LC used to go for weeks without bathing; for that purpose ONLY. He was the best I'VE ever seen at getting the seat!


Well-Known Member

Belching after chewing raw garlic cloves (popular in Korea) can be effective.

Coughing in dramatic fashion, can be of assistance here; the effect amplified by eating lots of garlic and onions in the hours just prior.
FLASH1296 said:

Belching after chewing raw garlic cloves (popular in Korea) can be effective.

Coughing in dramatic fashion, can be of assistance here; the effect amplified by eating lots of garlic and onions in the hours just prior.
You must love playing alone !!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:

Belching after chewing raw garlic cloves (popular in Korea) can be effective.

Coughing in dramatic fashion, can be of assistance here; the effect amplified by eating lots of garlic and onions in the hours just prior.
I'll bet the dealers just love you.


Sucker said:
Yes; this is usually the FIRST method employed by professionals. It works sometimes; sometimes you have to take additional measures. The well known hole card player LC used to go for weeks without bathing; for that purpose ONLY. He was the best I'VE ever seen at getting the seat!
My buddy can't smell. I have to do him the favor of telling him when he starts to be offensive or when milk is turning. Most people are used to their own scent anyway and can't notice it. Hunters use cover scents from fox pee to skunk scent. Fisherman employ fish "stink" or taste to lures. Find one you don't mind to much and where a little scent. Most people just can't stand some off the natural scents of nature. They can be quite pungent to city folk. In the wild they are used as territorial sign posts or defense. Visit any sporting goods store with hunting and fishing equipment and you can find an array of scents used in either sport. You can remove the scent later. Applying it to a scarf or hat that is more easily removed can make leaving the scent behind once you don't need it anymore an easier task.


Well-Known Member
Switching back and forth between one and two hands works well with Asians.

Once, at the place in the Marina that used to have all 6D S17 games, I started coughing at the table. Guy next to me gave me a dirty look and I said, "don't worry, I just started treatment for tuberculosis." That cleared the table pretty quickly :laugh:


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Switching back and forth between one and two hands works well with Asians.
An Asian woman has physically blocked me from removing my bet from my second spot: reached out to grab the stack, and her hand was there to stop me in a fraction of a second.


Well-Known Member
I switch between one two and three hands in such a manor, that at any time, i am completely undecided as to which hands to bet how many, and how much. I will change the number of hands several times before the round starts so that there is no possible way to predict my actions and bet accordingly.


I would imagine that the casino would rather you play the second spot then no one. You could complain and say you want to play the spot, though I guess it's not really that big of a deal. You'd probably just attract unwanted attention by making a fuss.