how to play a new cards shoe ?


Well-Known Member
if the casino s new shoe cards are in sequences

which small card and pic are group in half half

and their shuffle is not complicated

under this situation ,

very high tc may still kill counters while the pictures may group to the end

small cards will still coming with very high tc

how to prevent such game

since it has very few customers play and the bet amount is very large

its difficult to wait others to play many rounds

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
At one of my favorite casinos they shuffle with the standard procedure, wash the cards, then shuffle again when new cards are brought in. The cards seemed random after.
Blue Efficacy said:
At one of my favorite casinos they shuffle with the standard procedure, wash the cards, then shuffle again when new cards are brought in. The cards seemed random after.
Yeah, I call it the Silly Shuffle. A good waste of 20-30 minutes when cards are changed. Do the standard shuffle, let a patron cut the shoe, then do the shuffle again, that's all you need.

Regarding where to cut when you have information about card distribution: my preference is to cut the low cards to the front of the shoe. That way you get to see them dealt out before betting the big money- shuffle tracking has high enough variance associated with it and it's better to eliminate one level of it by using it to just force high counts instead of hoping the cards fell right with no surprises.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I like to cut the big cards to the front and wong out.

Firing away at the beginning of a shoe makes me not look like counter.


Well-Known Member

In the 1980's, (and beyond), the BJ periodicals (that we had then),and later
online forums wasted a lot of time debating whether or not a "new shoe" of
fresh unused cards was finally laid to rest with the conclusion that there was
no discernible "effect"

All that is needed is a good "wash" of the cards prior to the shuffles.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Regarding where to cut when you have information about card distribution: my preference is to cut the low cards to the front of the shoe. That way you get to see them dealt out before betting the big money- shuffle tracking has high enough variance associated with it and it's better to eliminate one level of it by using it to just force high counts instead of hoping the cards fell right with no surprises.
I also like doing this. The only exception to this would be if I KNOW where a good section of high cards are, because this helps with heat. But then again, if you just cut them to the point right before where the cut card is going to be inserted, then you get to play the cards, and verify the location of the cards by counting the rest of the shoe first. Lots of times I will continue to bet the minimum even though the count is rising in the first 1 or 2 decks, because I know that the high cards are just before the cut card.


Well-Known Member
Personally, if you are more risk averse, I would cut them to the middle/latter part of the shoe.

If you are really confident in your ST abilities, cut em to the front. Why play through the deck of small cards?

Mistakes in ST can and will cost you a lot of money, so to be sure your deck estimation and cutting skills are above par, I'd cut to the back until I was 100% confident.