
He plays one table, then another. Sometimes he raises his bet if he has lost a few, figuring he'll probably hit soon and this way he'll get his money back. If it doesn't go his way, he switches tables. He bets minimum bet a few times. If he loses, he bets minimum bet some more, at least, until he feels that things just have to change. When he gets to the "I'm due" point he raises his bet several units. Man, he's all over the board, playing this table, then that table, betting this bet, then that bet, bobbing and weaving. I don't know what the hell he's doing. Then he plays a little slots, then a little craps. Then he's back to the blackjack table, betting a few $25 or $50, and if he's lucky, ramping it up, but if it turns south, keeping it down. If you can keep up with this guy, you're a better man than I am. Usually, somewhere along the line he finds himself winner and then he says he's pulling up, doesn't want to take a chance on losing what he's already won.

I don't know how he does it. I don't think he knows either.