I created a monster.


Well-Known Member
Last nite, I took a town car home from a meeting in the city. I didn't recognize the driver but he knew me. He tells me that he'd driven me to the airport a few years ago and I'd told him I was going to Vegas to play blackjack and how i'd learned to count cards by reading books.
He went on to tell me how he'd been inspired by my story and had read every book in the public library before heading down to AC armed with a $500 BR. He doubled his money and in less than a year he turned his original $500 into over $10,000.
Then he went to Vegas and made so much in a weekend they gave a suite and flew him home on a private jet.
Last year, he cleared almost $200,000 and is almost ready to give up his job as a driver.
All because he was lucky enough to pick me up on my way to Vegas.:devil:


Well-Known Member

shadroch said:
Last nite, I took a town car home from a meeting in the city. I didn't recognize the driver but he knew me. He tells me that he'd driven me to the airport a few years ago and I'd told him I was going to Vegas to play blackjack and how i'd learned to count cards by reading books.
He went on to tell me how he'd been inspired by my story and had read every book in the public library before heading down to AC armed with a $500 BR. He doubled his money and in less than a year he turned his original $500 into over $10,000.
Then he went to Vegas and made so much in a weekend they gave a suite and flew him home on a private jet.
Last year, he cleared almost $200,000 and is almost ready to give up his job as a driver.
All because he was lucky enough to pick me up on my way to Vegas.:devil:
and you trusted him :p


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Last nite, I took a town car home from a meeting in the city. I didn't recognize the driver but he knew me. He tells me that he'd driven me to the airport a few years ago and I'd told him I was going to Vegas to play blackjack and how i'd learned to count cards by reading books.
He went on to tell me how he'd been inspired by my story and had read every book in the public library before heading down to AC armed with a $500 BR. He doubled his money and in less than a year he turned his original $500 into over $10,000.
Then he went to Vegas and made so much in a weekend they gave a suite and flew him home on a private jet.
Last year, he cleared almost $200,000 and is almost ready to give up his job as a driver.
All because he was lucky enough to pick me up on my way to Vegas.:devil:

Mr Shadroch! with all due respect, I find this hard to believe. Not your end of it, but rather the driver's. Doubling $500 in AC one night is easy enough to believe. Turning $500 into $10,000 in less that a year, possible. After that it gets a little hairy, don't you think? :confused: How much money does one need to win in vegas over a weekend for them to fly you home in a private jet? And he used what as a starting BR for this vegas trip? The $10,000 that orgininally grew from $500? So basically you are saying this part-time player turned $500 into $200,000 within a couple years? And this sounds reasonable to you? And people tell me that my story is hard to believe. :laugh:


Well-Known Member

I think it's just another example of how one human being touches another human being's life. Impossible? no,but this would be an example of extreme luck. You didn't create the monster Shadroch but you may have awakened the monster inside. I just wish the heck you would give me a pep talk so I could get out of my neg. variance slump.:joker:


shadroch said:
Last nite, I took a town car home from a meeting in the city. I didn't recognize the driver but he knew me. He tells me that he'd driven me to the airport a few years ago and I'd told him I was going to Vegas to play blackjack and how i'd learned to count cards by reading books.
He went on to tell me how he'd been inspired by my story and had read every book in the public library before heading down to AC armed with a $500 BR. He doubled his money and in less than a year he turned his original $500 into over $10,000.
Then he went to Vegas and made so much in a weekend they gave a suite and flew him home on a private jet.
Last year, he cleared almost $200,000 and is almost ready to give up his job as a driver.
All because he was lucky enough to pick me up on my way to Vegas.:devil:
Did he TIP YOU? zg


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Last year, he cleared almost $200,000 and is almost ready to give up his job as a driver.
And you believed him?:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Wait, is this Chinese April Fool's Day?:grin:


Well-Known Member
HockeXpert said:
And you believed him?:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Wait, is this Chinese April Fool's Day?:grin:

Why wouldn't I believe him? I can see how he'd be torn between giving up his driving job that pays perhaps
$150 for a twelve hour shift and a life of private jets, comped suites and pulling in $200,000.


Well-Known Member
similar story happened to me

A similar story happened to me, except I was at the receiving end. One day two carpet guys came to my home installing new carpet. Somehow we talked about various card games. Off course blackjack came up. At that time, I was a frequent casino visitor, every once in two months or so. We live pretty close to AC. I knew about card counting. I could keep the count at home but never found my way to keep the count at a casino. I was about to give it up counting. It turns out one of the carpet men was a counter. He inspired me try it again. Hearing a successful story from a real people is much encouraging then from all the books. 6 years later, I have a bank roll close to 100k. One day I am going to track this guy down and give him a big tip.

I have yet to inspire someone else, although I have an candidate now who is a doctor. It would be interesting to hear what inspires everyone to be a counter. After all, it is a pretty tough second job.


Well-Known Member
peaegg said:
I have yet to inspire someone else, although I have an candidate now who is a doctor.
A doctor - why would a doctor need a second job as a counter?

I was motivated to CC because I was tired of losing. I could not rationalize going to the casino trip after trip losing money. It's taken me multiple tries to get this right. And I'm sure I'm still not doing some of this right.


Well-Known Member
flyingwind said:
A doctor - why would a doctor need a second job as a counter?

I was motivated to CC because I was tired of losing. I could not rationalize going to the casino trip after trip losing money. It's taken me multiple tries to get this right. And I'm sure I'm still not doing some of this right.
A doctor wouldn't likely "need" it, but there is some satisfaction from beating casinos that's enjoyable, and a few extra bucks doesn't hurt. A lot of AP's here are professionals in other fields, and are weekend warrior AP's with a wide range of EV's.


Well-Known Member
A few years back I created a monster as well. A 20 something yr old kid with a knack for the game approached me about learning to really play with an advantage. I showed him what I knew and kind of mentored him along the way. He was good, very good, one of the few I would ever say that about. Problem was, there is more to it than just being good at cards. It seems it went to his head and my advice and experience meant nothing because he thought he now knew it all and went his own way. Don't have a clue today what happened to that kid, we don't talk anymore. But I do hope at the very least he has memories of being very successful at something so few ever do, and I hope he has learned the humility that comes with it too. But unfortunately, I somehow doubt it.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
As Calm as Stilled Waters, BELLY FLOP!

Bojack1 said:
But I do hope at the very least he has memories of being very successful at something so few ever do, and I hope he has learned the humility that comes with it too. But unfortunately, I somehow doubt it.
I am one to say we need to be calm and at peace when playing as well as the next person. However, I think an AP needs to have aggression as a personality trait and probably confidence bordering on arrogance in order to be successful.


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
I am one to say we need to be calm and at peace when playing as well as the next person. However, I think an AP needs to have aggression as a personality trait and probably confidence bordering on arrogance in order to be successful.
Nonsense. You are reading too many romanticized novels. I have been in this game a long time. An AP needs discipline and common sense. I agree you need confidence in what you do, but arrogance ends AP careers. And no need to be an aggressive person, just do your job as its supposed to be done. That may or may not make you aggressive, but it by no means is a prerequisite. The most dangerous AP is a versatile one, one that cannot be categorized. One that can be whatever it is thats needed to get the job done. Aggressive acts can be done by a passive personality when one is well versed in the task to be accomplished.


Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
A few years back I created a monster as well. A 20 something yr old kid with a knack for the game approached me about learning to really play with an advantage. I showed him what I knew and kind of mentored him along the way. He was good, very good, one of the few I would ever say that about. Problem was, there is more to it than just being good at cards. It seems it went to his head and my advice and experience meant nothing because he thought he now knew it all and went his own way. Don't have a clue today what happened to that kid, we don't talk anymore. But I do hope at the very least he has memories of being very successful at something so few ever do, and I hope he has learned the humility that comes with it too. But unfortunately, I somehow doubt it.
Humility is an important trait for this activity. Arrogance will blind you. If you cannot master your feelings, it is all too easy to become consumed by the dark side of gambling.
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Well-Known Member
flyingwind said:
A doctor - why would a doctor need a second job as a counter?

I was motivated to CC because I was tired of losing. I could not rationalize going to the casino trip after trip losing money. It's taken me multiple tries to get this right. And I'm sure I'm still not doing some of this right.
Have you seen what medical school tuition has been in the last decade or so? I'm sure it's helped a few pay back some of their student loans! ;)


Well-Known Member
why I play BJ.

johndoe said:
A doctor wouldn't likely "need" it, but there is some satisfaction from beating casinos that's enjoyable, and a few extra bucks doesn't hurt. A lot of AP's here are professionals in other fields, and are weekend warrior AP's with a wide range of EV's.
Exactly. The Dr. friend was so happy knowing me can count. He insists to go out with me one day. He doesn't need a second job.

I don't need a second job either. It is the excitement and self fulfillment that keep me going. Once, I wanted just to proof that I can beat the casino, especially to my wife. That was finally behind me. That wasn't easy. :)

This is an activity that there are always ways to improve. To name a few, spread, covers, comps, tracking, and sequencing, it is almost impossible to master all skills. The gaming conditions are constantly changing as well. Ultimately, it is a game that I play with myself. I can take from casinos but I don't want to take too much to be noticed. So I have to make game plans to suit my tolerance of risks, my reward, my expenses include time, for each individual casino for its rules and condition. One thing that I improved the most through my AP career is "discipline".


Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
Nonsense. You are reading too many romanticized novels. I have been in this game a long time. An AP needs discipline and common sense. I agree you need confidence in what you do, but arrogance ends AP careers. And no need to be an aggressive person, just do your job as its supposed to be done. That may or may not make you aggressive, but it by no means is a prerequisite. The most dangerous AP is a versatile one, one that cannot be categorized. One that can be whatever it is thats needed to get the job done. Aggressive acts can be done by a passive personality when one is well versed in the task to be accomplished.
Wow!!!!!! I am stunned....... I am sitting here thinking what to write...how to respond. There is so much that is so right in this paragraph....
Bojack you have nailed it on the head.....To all you 20 somethings out there.... This man has been there and done it and still doing it!!!!! Tuck this quote away in your memory........ I mean REALLY REALLY hang on to it...
I wish i could write a couple of pages explaining how i believe my AP experiences mirror his words....... (Big sigh!!!!!!!) But my skills as a writer are very limited......
