Mike and Mr. Fr0g have summed up my situation just about exactly between them. I'm pretty sure my casino knows I count, but they don't seem to care. I just play red to low green, and try not to rub their noses in it by being too obvious about things.
For awhile though, I had the feeling my picture must be posted somewhere. Dealers I had never played with before commented that they had looked forward to playing with me. (I think one thought she could deal faster than I could count. Wrong!) 1 or 2 dealers seem to hate me, like I might be stealing bread off their table. One of those always wants me to color up the greens he suspects I have in my pocket. I never do. 98% of the dealers don't care one way or the other.
One dealer commented that she didn't think I was really a gambler at heart. Some people come here thinking they can actually win, she said. Right on both counts, but I didn't tell her that.
It's fairly disconcerting to have the dealer say, "Oh, you're playing greens, the count must be really high." I don't know if he was just guessing, or knew something, or was just trying to mess with me. To that kind of thing I just give my dumb look which says I have no idea what they're talking about.
Floor people are always friendly to me. One or two of them, when I try to hand in my player's card, say they've already got me. No heat at all.
The whole situation just seems so strange and uncertain. They must know, but not care! I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing, playing low stakes, and try not to be obvious. If I decide to play for higher stakes I think I would do it somewhere else, though. Don't want to ruin a good thing.
Sorry, this is the most I've ever rambled on about anything, but this thread stuck a chord with me.