I just reached milestone at Counters' Table


Well-Known Member
I have been playing at Counters' Table since it opened. This week my accumulated winnings reached 500 units. It took me 66 hours to achieve this. So basically I won 7.5 units per hour playing DD, compared to 2.5 or 3 units per hour playing 6D/8D. I use Advanced Omega 2 with ace side count.

The game is very good. Originally it is S17, DOA, DAS, LS, no RSA. To be more accurate, they offered EARLY surrender in the first week or so because no one in the management knows how surrender works. But months ago it changed to H17, it is now permanent rule. Penetration varies, from 50% to 100%. When I said 100%, it is because dealer set 85% penetration at a full table, so he or she run out of cards and have to reshuffle by hand using cards in the discard tray. I did see occasional half shoe because known counters WITH 50 TO 1 SPREAD or even higher came to the table. The former happened more often than the latter.

My spread is normally 7 to 1. I reduce to 5 to 1 if known counters with wide spread is at the table. When there is a a ploppy betting $300 or $500 a hand, I spread 20 to 1 in these rare occasions.


Well-Known Member
Here's to more milestones!

Congratulations on your achievement.

Here's to your upcoming back-off/trespass, and the end of this opportunity for everyone else.

You should be proud!


Well-Known Member
Friendo said:
Congratulations on your achievement.

Here's to your upcoming back-off/trespass, and the end of this opportunity for everyone else.

You should be proud!
Don't be a paranoia. As I said, this is not like AC or LV, the most extreme measure to AP at this casino is half shoe. And they only did this to those people who spread 50 to 1 or 100 to 1. I am a weekend warrior so they only see me two or three times a month. But I have talked to other APs who play four or five times a week. As long as you spread under 10 to 1, it is perfect fine. Some of them even give the casino cards to be rated!:laugh:


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
I can't say. Otherwise, people could figure out its location.

I respect other APs' wish to keep this mystery casino a secret.
You are truly a one-of-a-kind comedian! :laugh: :laugh:


Dealing into another shuffle to complete the hand

Having to deal past the deck into a fresh shuffle of the unused cards for that hand. How does that affect your advantage? One would assume your initial 2 cards, as well as the dealer's cards, come from the initial deck. Your advantage is derived from blackjack's, doubles and splits being much more prevalent and advantageous. The blackjack advantage is there since they come from the initial decks but then either you and/or the dealer drawing from a fresh deck (that is negative if the count was juicy when the hand started) save the dealt cards making up everyone's hands. Wouldn't the split and double advantage almost disappears? Any thoughts on how this affects your advantage?


Well-Known Member
The casino will reshuffle after such an occasion occurs. The easiest way for players is just to play using Basic Strategy. The fancy way is to scan all cards on the table and reset RC. TC is RC divided by 2.


My question is, you make a bet sized by your advantage which factors in the higher frequency of blackjacks, doubles and splits. The 2 latter are not just more frequent but more advantageous mostly due to the increased bust rate for the dealer but to some extent the increased frequency of making a strong hand. The former is lost on a reshuffle and the latter may also be lost. Should this be factored into your bet size? The play part of the reshuffle is obvious. I just don't want to over bet in this very nice situation when and if I ever see it.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
My question is, you make a bet sized by your advantage which factors in the higher frequency of blackjacks, doubles and splits. The 2 latter are not just more frequent but more advantageous mostly due to the increased bust rate for the dealer but to some extent the increased frequency of making a strong hand. The former is lost on a reshuffle and the latter may also be lost. Should this be factored into your bet size? The play part of the reshuffle is obvious. I just don't want to over bet in this very nice situation when and if I ever see it.
Since the table is almost always full, it is very easier to factor in. What I always do is just to reduce the bet size by half if there is one extra hand, knowing how many hands between shuffles.


Well-Known Member
fyi, proper protocol is to reshuffle the discard cards in order to complete the current hand only, then reshuffle them all again...the advantage, obviously, lies in the 100% pen


Sharky said:
fyi, proper protocol is to reshuffle the discard cards in order to complete the current hand only, then reshuffle them all again...the advantage, obviously, lies in the 100% pen
I got that part. But the great doubles and split opportunities disappear on the reshuffle. Let us say soft 19 v 5. In a huge count it is a good double but on reshuffle it is a stand. Or a better illustration let us say the RC is +10 (~TC +20) with 7 players including the dealer. You are at the 3rd base. The remaining cards are dealt out and they reshuffle as you are about to play your hand. You know the RC is -10 (~TC -7). Now you and the dealer had the same chance at the good cards as your initial hand. If your hand was a blackjack you reap a big advantage with the bonus payout. You get to play your hand smarter than the robot play of the dealer giving you an advantage on playing your hand in a big count. However you are playing your hand at a very weak count. Your advantage from more and better doubles and splits are gone. Conversely if the count was very negative you will be playing with the reverse situation were you will be dealt from a negative count giving you lots of 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11s but will be playing at a nice positive count. Your double and split advantage flips as you play the hand in both situations. How should you bet in either positive or negative extreme count situation knowing this count inversion is likely to happen before you and/or the dealer play your hands.