I like ploppies who surrender.


Active Member
Gamblor said:
I seriously doubt dealers would count. They have plenty of duties involved with dealing, keeping track of players/dealer totals, paying out, keeping track of player buy ins, talking with player etc., I seriously doubt many would be able to keep a count while doing this.

If they do exist, I imagine them to be in some sawdust sweaty casino in Vegas. Have never even remotely encountered a dealer who I suspected of doing this. Maybe the quiet ones who don't advise the players on the hands might, but from the advice they give out, the vast majority of dealers don't even know perfect BS.
IF anything its the Eye in the sky, they count, but im sure they are only looking at the medium to high stakes tables more so than the 5$ limits. But this is just from my little experience.


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Human have prejudice. And I am super sensitive. After sitting for 10 minutes, I can always tell if the dealer likes me or hate me. Or does he or she want me to have a small win or a big loss?
I thought you were a super genius. :confused: