I need tips on how I can play for income. (long post with info)


Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
One of the members here posted that I was being 'vetted' as being a legit player. I was trying to show a couple of my strategy moves that I know most people don't play in order to demonstrate some legitimacy.

Anyway, I agree with your statement. Now, back to my original question. How can I stay at the tables longer? I don't mean at any given session. I mean from short session to short session or short to maybe a little longer, etc. There have been some books posted on this thread. If these books don't give me info on how to actually keep from getting kicked out, I won't read them. I'm not really interested in reading strategy books at this stage. Everybody reading this thread probably already knows how to win, and some have been doing it longer without being banned. I would LOVE to get some information on how I too can do this.

your best bet would probably be the book BURNING THE TABLES IN LAS VEGAS, by Ian Anderson. That is great for exactly what your looking for. Being able to camoflauge your play and staying at the tables longer


Well-Known Member

I do NOT suggest the Ian Anderson approach.
It gives up way too much equity, for camouflage and cover that is no longer efficient.
You still must face the specter of being 86'd and playing poorly
will not hide the fact that you are moving your money with the count.

Also, as the player following this book's advice NEEDS to BET BIG.
Light Black Chip action may not suffice as your edge will shrink up.

Furthermore, in today's economic climate, casinos "sweat" ALL heavy play
and surveil high stakes tables VERY closely -- far worse than in the past.

This book's strategy was excellent two decades ago, less so one decade ago,
but I cannot recommend it for the 21st Century.



Well-Known Member
Strong Suggestions

I STRONGLY suggest one book in particular; far more important to you than any other.

Cellini's book on Casino Surveillance.

Priceless !

MY suggestions -- bet more than the minimum at slight minus and slight plus counts
and try not to change your bet level as much as will be optimal.
Do not spread deeply. Do not appear to concentrate seriously on the cards.
Look as much as you can as if you are focusing on relaxation and conversation.
Do NOT "rathole" chips. [The eye in the sky sees all.]
Keep your sessions short and try not to play through a shift change,
as that doubles the chance of running into a "sweaty" Pit Critter.
Thanks again

Thanks again for all the suggestions. I went to a couple of local bookstores and they didn't have any of the good books mentioned here. I had to do the Thanksgiving thing, and I guess I'll try to order those online.