i plan to go to atlantic city


next month i plan to go to atlantic city,the goal is simple to just double the bankroll in 3 days which i know could be done very easy if we find the right deck.10,000 taking to make 10,000 in 3 days 3,000 -4,000 a night unless ofcourse the monster hi count comes with a high tc than will play it out.

my question is for my first time in atlantic city any good places to play 6 deck and any good comps just for going for the first time.

also the food any solid place to eat.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that. :laugh:

I really think you should do some more reading and studying before you risk $10k on such an unrealistic venture. This will undoubtedly become a very expensive lesson.


why do you say that i have a team im going with and we been doing fine so far.we just never beeen to atlantic city and were going to give it a try.
bj24 said:
why do you say that i have a team im going with and we been doing fine so far.we just never beeen to atlantic city and were going to give it a try.
Don't worry about 6 deck, especially if you are playing with a team and backcounting. Look for good penetration, and you can find it anywhere at any time. It takes legwork. Be aggressive and know your strike point for Lucky Ladies 9.

Because of crowding, you might be better off backcounting in pairs because even when there are two spots open at a table they are rarely adjacent.

Food: it varies. What are you into? Some is very good and satisfying, some tastes like Shanghai fried rat.


i dont know anything but hispanic food.yeah that is the problem we got is that it gets crowed pretty fast and its almost impossible to get on a table.

we plan to play 50 -100 a hand becuase the quarters are just impossible to get on.its just like in fla id imagine.
bj24 said:
i dont know anything but hispanic food.yeah that is the problem we got is that it gets crowed pretty fast and its almost impossible to get on a table.

we plan to play 50 -100 a hand becuase the quarters are just impossible to get on.its just like in fla id imagine.
No you can get into $25 there. So 50-100, I guess $100 is your max and you are backcounting? That is a good bet for a $10K BR. Most of the $50 and up tables are no-mid-shoe so you won't be able to play them.

Go to the Boardwalk and walk around separately, and when you find a casino that isn't too crowded and the dealers are cutting deep, call your friends in. You will need no playing cover at all if you can act like you don't speak much English.

In the Tropicana they have Cuba Libre, good Cuban food but fancy and not cheap. Good to celebrate when you hit your target. Just don't eat at the Hilton.


what about the comps for first time players in atlantic city.do they offer free play in any casinos or match play or something like this.


Well-Known Member
bj24 said:
why do you say that i have a team im going with and we been doing fine so far.we just never beeen to atlantic city and were going to give it a try.
Yesterday you were asking if all casinos have the CSM machines you saw in Florida but didn't know their names, but today you are part of a team that is doing well? I nominate you for Rookie of The Year. I've never seen anyone advance themselves so rapidly. Perhaps you can write a book on it.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
No you can get into $25 there. So 50-100, I guess $100 is your max and you are backcounting? That is a good bet for a $10K BR. Most of the $50 and up tables are no-mid-shoe so you won't be able to play them.

Go to the Boardwalk and walk around separately, and when you find a casino that isn't too crowded and the dealers are cutting deep, call your friends in. You will need no playing cover at all if you can act like you don't speak much English.

In the Tropicana they have Cuba Libre, good Cuban food but fancy and not cheap. Good to celebrate when you hit your target. Just don't eat at the Hilton.
hey now, i think the diner on the first floor just off the boardwalk is alright at the hilton. much cleaner than the one upstairs...


Well-Known Member
Some strange and funny things in this thread, one of which Shad already pointed out, the poster seems to be from the eccelerated school of blackjack. Second thing is, he is going to play $50 or $100 table because $25 are too crowded. No mention of a bet spread. He's on a team, so perhaps they use big player approach? perhaps not? either way there has to be some sort of spread between high and low bets. 10-1? maybe. @ the $50 table that would be top bets of $500? with $10k bankroll?? Sounds like trouble. Big trouble! (right here in river city!) $100 table?? sounds like even bigger trouble. :eek:

But it was all worth it when Monkey states that "some food tastes like Shanghai fried rat" , to which the poster replies " I don't know anything but hispanic food". :laugh:

(Shanghai rat is actually out of season right now) :eek:
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Well-Known Member
Well I can tell you that the best buffet in AC is the Borgata buffett.
Caesars has some excellent restaurants.
Stay away from Trump Plaza, Resorts, and Tropicana. Their food is nasty.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
Well I can tell you that the best buffet in AC is the Borgata buffett.
Caesars has some excellent restaurants.
Stay away from Trump Plaza, Resorts, and Tropicana. Their food is nasty.
Agree about the Borg.
I've had good meals at Trump Plaza at Max's, as well as 24 Cafe.


Well-Known Member
I love the Noodle Bar at Ballys and Kwai at Caesars.

The coffee shop at Caesars (Cafe Roma) is pretty good too.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
I love the Noodle Bar at Ballys and Kwai at Caesars.

The coffee shop at Caesars (Cafe Roma) is pretty good too.
For a quick lunch, I luv Burger @ Taj Mahal. They only do burgers, hot dogs, fries, but ummm, the burgers are yummy!