I think 21 the movie looks like crap and will get bad reviews


Well-Known Member
Just what I think :D, although it has some decent actors in it (ones who haven't been in a decent movie in a long time)

Hopefully it will bring a lot of wannabe, crappy counters to the tables and the casinos will make conditions better (Wasn't that the case when "Bringing down the House" came out?)

Of course, hollywood again shows that you gotta be a savant to count...


Well-Known Member
FrankieT said:
Of course, hollywood again shows that you gotta be a savant to count.............
i wonder if anyone has unleashed a savant on the casino's like in Rainman or what ever lol. might be one of those bad boys could reek some havoc. :cat:


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone hating on this movie!

Yes it's not going to be accurate, but what the hell is in Hollywood.

This movie looks like it is going to great and will keep the audience's attention the whole time! And people will leave the theater inspired to beat the casino!


New Member
I saw the movie tonight and would love to tell you the movie was great but I'd be lying. While I'm not a experienced counter by any means but I have played the game for several years,most of those as a losing player. From either standpoint of someone who loves to play the game or as an advantage player the movie was awful. It could have been better if some of the repetitive scenes had been edited and cut off about 20 minutes of the movie. Almost everything about the movie is so Hollywood and far from realistic. Some of the dialog makes you say Huh? In one scene I believe after Ben deviates from the plan and starts losing even after hes signaled to exit the game as the conditions are no longer profitable, they are in the hotel room fighting and Micky says to Ben he is an "arrogant little infant" Who says this? Another scene as the relationship between Jill and Ben starts to heat up she invites him back to her suite at the hard rock and as they are starting to get romantic right outside their window is the bellagio fountains. Huh? Another quick scene I remember is of the one of the team members is at a bj table and as the dealer is sweeping the cards off the table you see a 14 with two 7's . Ok? I guess they just stood on their 14. This movie could have been so much better if they had put forth some effort. I cant say the music in the film is any good either. I cant wait to hear what others think but I'd be surprised if overall consensus is the movie was good.

Oh and one last thing is how dramatized is the signal to the big player that the game is good. cmon what a joke..


Well-Known Member
That’s what happens when you have a BJ movie written and directed by former gambling addicts (Allan Loeb and Robert Luketic respectively). The fact that it’s trying to be a Hollywood blockbuster doesn’t help either.



Well-Known Member
The movie wasn't that bad. Give credit for what it is. Its a hollywood movie, not a documentary on card counting. If you were to make a movie would you not spice it up with things that sell? If someone actually wants to learn how to count they'll have to buy a book. The movie at least is somewhat accurate.

bigticket said:
they are in the hotel room fighting and Micky says to Ben he is an "arrogant little infant" Who says this?
I saw the movie and I thought it was strange he did that but I figured he did it to show he is a man of intelligence since he's a prof at MIT. Whereas some avg. guy might have punched him out instead or swore at him.

bigticket said:
Another quick scene I remember is of the one of the team members is at a bj table and as the dealer is sweeping the cards off the table you see a 14 with two 7's .
The only possible explanation is the dealer had BJ or it was single deck BJ where there are times you stand on 7,7 other wise it doesn't make too much sense.

I know a lot about chess and there have been a few movies that had chess scenes in them such as Harry Potter and Xmen and those scenes logically don't even make much sense. I doesn't cost or take much to inquire into what an accurate BJ or chess situation would look like!


Well-Known Member
E-town-guy said:
The movie wasn't that bad. Give credit for what it is. Its a hollywood movie, not a documentary on card counting. If you were to make a movie would you not spice it up with things that sell?
Like actors and actresses more attractive than the typical MIT student! :grin:


Well-Known Member
E-town-guy said:
The only possible explanation is the dealer had BJ or it was single deck BJ where there are times you stand on 7,7 other wise it doesn't make too much sense.
I remember that scene also and pointed it out in the other tread... i believe the dealer had a 6 (could have been a 5 or 8 also but in any case standing is never correct)

E-town-guy said:
I know a lot about chess and there have been a few movies that had chess scenes in them such as Harry Potter and Xmen and those scenes logically don't even make much sense. I doesn't cost or take much to inquire into what an accurate BJ or chess situation would look like!
Thats true and it would also piss me off. But this movie was a card counting movie. neither X-Men or Harry potter had anything to do with chess.... they were minor snippets of the movie. When the entire story here revolves around 21 it really ticks me off when they get things wrong that don't take any more screen time and don't take away from the "hollywoodness" (88 hand and the 77 hand). in fact the 88 hand added in screen time to specifically get the basic strategy wrong. I really wasn't looking for realism in this movie but I found that pretty ridiculous.


Active Member
http://movies.go.com/21/r928322/drama said:
In real life (because this is loooooooooosely based on a real story), all the kids were Asian. But Hollywood has this affirmative-action policy for white people, see, just to give them a sorely needed leg up, and so this version is just more, you know, balanced.
lol I love it.