I won big, but almost no comps?


OK, my 1st post. I spent 3 days at Turning stone casino. I had a $5k bank roll, and began the trip with $25 bets and ended with $400. Couple of things I did not like. Let me also preface that I am not a counter, I am an observer and I bet big when I observe enough little cards out. Some I am sure will call me a sucker. Now I would stay at tables for 30-45 minutes, untill I no longer felt like there was a favorable situation for me. I would go between 2 $10 min tables, 3 $25 min tables and 2 $100 min tables. I played a lot, maybe 10 hours per day, and at the end of my trip I had...................................................$7 in comps. My host said it was because I never stayed at a table long enough to be rated. Whatever.
Then, in NY state, they are so tax hungry, you cannot cash out for more than 10k without being taxed. I have never seen this in vegas. Probably the biggest turnoff to gamble in NY. I must say, I had way more fun at the $10 min tables than the $100 tables. Nothing really stood out except for 1 hand. I had maxed out my betting at $400. It was my 1st $400 bet, just me and the dealer. I am dealt AA, they have a 5 showing. I split, so now I got $800 out there. I hit and another A comes out, and I put another $400 out there, so 1200 out there now. I must say I was slightly nervous. well, I got , 21,21 18. The dealer got 22, and I had my biggest BJ win ever. I left the table after that hand because I had a bit of a crowd and 3 people sat at the table.
I was a little irked about the comps. I must say, and not just this hand, most of my $ was won by splitting and doubling. I came with $5k, and left with $11k, having to use a cousin to cash some of my chips for me.

Question for the BJ ettiquet experts.

Is it tacky to always keep all of your chips on the table? Like if I had 5-10K IN CHIPS, I would always put it on the table, no matter what table I was at. Espacially at the $10 tables. Should I have not don that? Thanks



Well-Known Member
I've never heard of NY State taxing you on a $10,000 win.
Cashing out $10,000 in any casino anywhere in the country requires a CTR form. Is this what you are referring to?


Well-Known Member
How did you pull off splitting aces more than once?

Normally you catch one card only when you split aces....does not matter if you catch a 3rd one.

Unless you were in their HL area, which I do not know the rules there.

Regardless, you have a nice group of chips from those cheap ass bastards. (yes, I hold a grudge towards them).


shadroch said:
I've never heard of NY State taxing you on a $10,000 win.
Cashing out $10,000 in any casino anywhere in the country requires a CTR form. Is this what you are referring to?
You know, It was a CTR form, but I had been told many many times by the pit boss' and my host that they will tax you on non jackpot wins over 10k


Well-Known Member

Hey Cuso
Man-you came in with 5K and left with 11k? Let 'em keep the cheeseburger and coke comp! :joker::laugh::eek:


Well-Known Member
1) Betting big "after a lot of little cards have come out" isn't a very good idea because the count could already be very negative.

2) Not getting any comps is something I dealt with until a member on here showed me how to clean up on comps. Some of these you need to be a counter for but they'll still help.

- Always wong in when possible: The pit boss enters a higher bet for you and since you come in strong it will look like you are spreading less.

- Make sure the pit boss sees your big bets (be careful if you are counting though)

- Ask the pit boss what your average bet was in the computer if you think he is screwing you

- Rat hole as much as possible. Hosts hate having to deal with sore losers and will comp so you go the hell away

- If you're not counting (i.e. you don't have an edge) take as many breaks as possible so you are risking less but still getting the comps.

I use these all the time and went from playing for 5 hours straight and not being able to get a piece of pizza to getting RFB for a weekend


Albee said:
How did you pull off splitting aces more than once?

Normally you catch one card only when you split aces....does not matter if you catch a 3rd one.

Unless you were in their HL area, which I do not know the rules there.

Regardless, you have a nice group of chips from those cheap ass bastards. (yes, I hold a grudge towards them).
I was in the HL area. When the lady dealt me 2 AA, I split, then she dealt another, I told her to split (she said this was her 1st time dealing to big $), so she split, the pit boss noticed and came over after i took hits on my 1st 2 AA, he then allowed this 1 time dealer error and I won. I tipped her $50 for her trouble.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
CUSO said:
I was in the HL area. When the lady dealt me 2 AA, I split, then she dealt another, I told her to split (she said this was her 1st time dealing to big $), so she split, the pit boss noticed and came over after i took hits on my 1st 2 AA, he then allowed this 1 time dealer error and I won. I tipped her $50 for her trouble.
I don't know where and how this is possible. The house rules always prevail.

This last session the lady on my table surrendered 14 vs Ace in ENHC. Rules said this is not allowed. But the dealer had already took half her bet and put away her cards. The pit boss then notice this and told the lady to put the money back and called the higher up. I told the lady not to do any such thing. What could the casino do to her. But she cave in to the higher up They then told her to play with her imaginary 14. She hit, got a 7 for 21 and the dealer busted on the Ace.


Active Member
Albee said:
How did you pull off splitting aces more than once?

Normally you catch one card only when you split aces....does not matter if you catch a 3rd one.

Unless you were in their HL area, which I do not know the rules there.

Regardless, you have a nice group of chips from those cheap ass bastards. (yes, I hold a grudge towards them).
Many shoe games allow re-splitting of acies, especially at MGM properties. You won't usually get this at 2-deckers.


Active Member
CUSO said:
You know, It was a CTR form, but I had been told many many times by the pit boss' and my host that they will tax you on non jackpot wins over 10k
Your pit boss is wrong. The only time they have to file a W2-G form (which declares your winnings to the IRS) is when you win a jackpot of more than $1200 where the odds of winning were 300:1 or worse. Blackjack hands never apply to this unless you win the top payout on some sidebet.

If you cash in more than $10,000 in chips at the cage they will fill out a CTR (Cash Transaction Report) that will be reported to the IRS, which may or may not compel them to audit you later if you don't report any gambling winnings. A CTR is NOT 'collecting taxes'. And filling out a W2-G does not mean they will take taxes out of your jackpot win, just that it will be reported on your next 1040.