ID requests


Active Member
Yeah, basically every shoe is hit and run here because if you play two shoes you’re likely to get backed off and 3 shoes a heavy favorite.

The G Man

Well-Known Member
What is this bullshit ? You sit in any Vegas casino and buy chips. Then they will ask if you'd like to be rated, you politely but firmly say "no thanks". This might get some scrutiny on you but if you play for a short period of time you won't have any problem. Spread your action in many joints and on different shifts, that's all you have to do. Don't expect to buy a house in this town and play for the rest of your life unmolested.


Active Member
Yeah, it’s no big deal. Some properties will ID and others won’t. Just gotta play the places that won’t bother you.
I played a 20 minutes session (one shoe) at one of these joints and peeled them for $8,500. In that short time they called down a supervisor to look at my play and they asked me if I would like a players card literally three or four times. Three or four times in a 20 minute period, it’s insane.
Incredibly sweaty city and kind of trash but for a re recreational player such as myself it’s not a bad place to go and blow off some steam every now and then. For a full time player probably just a junk city.