If you think splitting 10s is a good way to clear a table...


Must have been one hell of a negative swing.

(Dead link: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny-brf--casinosuicide0405apr05,0,5087811.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork) _Man kills himself at Niagara Falls casino blackjack table_

I wonder how many of us could have kept the count during the commotion.


Well-Known Member
Thor said:
Must have been one hell of a negative swing.

(Dead link: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny-brf--casinosuicide0405apr05,0,5087811.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork) _Man kills himself at Niagara Falls casino blackjack table_

I wonder how many of us could have kept the count during the commotion.
LOL! Guess he asked for "a hit" and decided to do it himself.

Word on the area news is that his girlfriend, a dealer there had broken up with him. Walked up to her table, put the gun to his chest ... bang!!! Kills himself .... yea ..... that'll teach her ... bad dealer, bad.

Surprisingly, the crowd didn't panic. Suppose that would throw off your count?


Well-Known Member
Thor said:
Must have been one hell of a negative swing.

(Dead link: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny-brf--casinosuicide0405apr05,0,5087811.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork) _Man kills himself at Niagara Falls casino blackjack table_

I wonder how many of us could have kept the count during the commotion.
Where I come from, the female dealer's name would be "Guido", and the players at the table would nonchalantly announce, "Seat open."


Well-Known Member
Renzey said:
Where I come from, the female dealer's name would be "Guido", and the players at the table would nonchalantly announce, "Seat open."
We talking about mob joints again?

Newer word on the news is that *maybe* he had gambling debts.
In that case wouldn't "Guido" have done the deed?


Well-Known Member
Am I wrong for thinking that maybe they could have prevented it by having a better game?

I mean 8d DOA DAS mediocre penetrations ain't all that great.


Well-Known Member
Sad that he's dead and all-- but I really have to comment on this.

He shot himself in the chest? wtf? I mean, if you're going to do yourself in, what happened to the headshot? Shoot yourself in the chest, and you painfully suffer for a good long time before you either a) die or b) are cured, and have a whole new world of crapstorms to face.

Of course, if I have to go out by gunshot in a casino-- I'm taking out as many CSMs with me in a blaze of glory before I go.


Well-Known Member
GeorgeD said:
Yes, but that was a few years ago.
That's funny because when I told my wife about this, since we've played there, she said "Geez, what happened to people just jumping out the window." :grin:

Ah - the good old days lol.


Well-Known Member
No way to end a session!

I feel very bad for a person that needs help and has no where to turn. There was a man a few years back that shot himself in the casino in Detroit. The man was a detective with a 45k gambling debt and a host of other problems. I know negative variance can be tough on alot of players myself included but it is only a game. I know that they have tighter security at MGM in Detroit, they metal wand you when you go in and purses are checked. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I feel very bad for a person that needs help and has no where to turn. There was a man a few years back that shot himself in the casino in Detroit. The man was a detective with a 45k gambling debt and a host of other problems. I know negative variance can be tough on alot of players myself included but it is only a game. I know that they have tighter security at MGM in Detroit, they metal wand you when you go in and purses are checked. blackchipjim
Yes, it is too bad, but there are places to turn IF you admit you have a gambling problem, for some people, though, that's not enough. Some say suicide has it roots in childhood, so bad events precipitate it in some people, not others.

As it turns out, this is a guy I met once or twice. The story is uncertain as to how much it was gambling debt related. He and his ex-wife fought an expensive 3-4 year battle to open a new funeral home, but did open a year or two back. Supposedly that stress broke them up, and left the business in pretty deep. Then he picked up a girl friend who was a dealer.

Some say the suicide was over her breaking up with him. She says the relationship was OK, that they were going top marry after his divorce. The only thing officially said about gambling was that he was a frequent casino visitor and often got their biggest suite comped. That tells me either he was a good AP (with 8 Deck, DAS, S17 games how likely??) or a whale they were courting because he was losing big bucks. How much he could "afford" to lose , nobody really knows, but signs from the business weren't good.

I don't know if jumping outy a window/bridge/ramp is better or worse that shooting yourself in the chest. He could have been pretty messed up, but lived.

I guess the moral is to know why you play, what you can risk, and when to walk away.