Thanks for the buzzkill KJ. that's what we all really wanted. nothing like moral toothpaste to clean our dirty souls.
I think you watch too much CSI: las vegas. I agree that these incidences do happen, and that many hookers are drug addicts. Not the, I'm doing this to pay for college kinda girl :laugh: but these incidences happen as frequently as plane crashes. how often do people take a ride on a plane? how often does a crash happen? sure, when it does happen, it's a big deal. Soooooo, how often do tourists ride a hooker? how often do hookers pull a fast one on their customer? you're telling me that a hooker with her hoodlums is gonna rob someone in a gigantic hotel casino with a crap ton of surveilance? not to mention the time it takes to leave a room and find an exit?
face it, my comment about almost every vegas resident is a hooker or wanna be is true. of course not the fatties, but I'd say that half the women I approached in a bar/club was actually a hooker or wanna be. unfortunately 100% that approached me in the bar were hookers!
Nevada is the only state in which prostitution is legal. hell, there's even a friggin HBO reality show about it. cathouse something. watch that a few times instead of CSI: vegas:laugh: