1. You can't set an index range when generating. It can't know if an index is in the range until it has generated it. You can set the range in CVData/CVCX/CVBJ when using the table.
2. From the Help:
Composition-Dependent Indexes
If the Comp-Dependent option is selected, a new table is displayed. Use the Number spinner at the bottom to indicate the number of CD indexes you wish to generate. For each index, enter the dealer card, player cards and decision. There can be two to five player cards separated by commas. Click on the decision cell to show a down arrow and then click on it to select a decision type. You may need to click a few times. Aces can be specified as 1 or A. Tens can be specified as 10, T or X. The last column is used for custom bonuses. Check the box if the two cards held are of the same suit. This affects the index if there is a bonus that requires same suits