Interesting and Novel Rule Variations


Well-Known Member
Intriguing Idea (to myself that is)

Thinking about "BJ Switch" led me to ...

Optionally splitting [ANY] two cards in exchange for 'Even Money' BJ's.

I have no clue as to whether or not this 'Super-Split' is worth 2.35% of
expectation - in order to trade at par with Even Money Blackjacks.

The strategy for splitting hands, may be wildly counter-intuitive and,
will be [oh-so-often] botched by ploppies,
but exploited by us - the [oh-so-clever] A.P.'s
The indices for departure from basic strategy will be [oh-so-complex].

I am hoping that somebody, more numerate than I, will
have something pithy to say about this novel suggestion.

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Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I'd think being able to split any two cards overrides any even money BJ penalty. Of course, the big determinant is, can you DAS? That would obviously make a huge difference. Of course, my statement has no basis in mathematics, it is purely conjecture.

Geoff Hall

Well-Known Member
Split any 2 cards

There is a game out there where you can split any 2 cards. I think it's called Carribean Blackjack or something similar - available to play online.

'Power Blackjack' allows splitting of any 2-card 15 or 16 (hard totals only).


Well-Known Member
Theres a game I've played in a few illegal casinos. The house edge is 5%, but it's an fun game to play. No splits, no doubles,BJ pays 1-1.
Heres the catch, though.
Each player bets an equal amount, say $25. Cards are dealt one up, one down to each hand,including the dealer. Each round, positions rotate, so one hand you act first,another you act next to last, ect. Dealer always acts last.
If you bust,or the dealer beats you, you are eliminated. Push or beat the dealer and you survive. Last man standing wins the pot, minus 5% for the house.
With six players,you risk $25 to win about $140. Win two or three pots in a row and you are sitting pretty. Conversley, you can lose a bunch in a row and still be one pot from being even.
Where it gets interesting is the later rounds. If you act first with a weak hand, do you try to improve your hand and risk an elimination or sit on it and let your tablemate do so.


Well-Known Member
Are there any kind, of set rules where you could win almost 50% of the hands?

Here are some of my thoughts W/Blackjack=1:1

Player BJ beats dealers BJ
Player 21 beats dealer 21
Player 21 ties dealer BJ
Unlimited Draw to split aces
5+ cards=automatic winner
Any others?

In single an double deck, coupled with a .70 playing strategy, I think you could win almost 50% of the hands. Yes/no? Wheres Kasi?
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Well-Known Member
How about bringing back the old bonus which led to the game getting it's name, a BJ made up of the Ace of spades and any "black" Jack pays 10-1.