Iphone App to play black jack mathematically perfect


New Member
i found a iphone aplication to play black jack perfect!, is based on PELAYOS SYSTEM! its cool! i won 200€ in 50 minutes! here is the link! (Dead link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/M...315210437&mt=8)

enjoy it!


Well-Known Member
Not only is your link broken, but if you're going to use an app like this in a casino, you might as well just grab chips from the tray and run.

It's also useless software. I hope no one falls for this crap.


Well-Known Member
PELAYOS refers to biased Roulette wheels.

The SPAM seems to be increasing progressively.


Well-Known Member
Feloniously Serious Consequences.

There is, in fact, an iPhone/iPod Touch application that does a bang-up job of giving you the True Count
in any one of several powerful counts, including Hi-Opt II, Advanced Omega II, Hi-Lo, etc.

Amazingly, it operates in "stealth mode" while in your pocket or on your belt.

Casinos have all been alerted to the wide availability of this inexpensive device.

Getting caught using this in a casino is a virtually sure-fire route to a local jail cell.

In Nevada, and many other venues, use of same it is a felony.

Legality aside, its use occupies a fuzzy ethically dubious zone.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
There is, in fact, an iPhone/iPod Touch application that does a bang-up job of giving you the True Count
in any one of several powerful counts, including Hi-Opt II, Advanced Omega II, Hi-Lo, etc.
Actually, it miscalculates TC.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
There is, in fact, an iPhone/iPod Touch application that does a bang-up job of giving you the True Count
in any one of several powerful counts, including Hi-Opt II, Advanced Omega II, Hi-Lo, etc.

Amazingly, it operates in "stealth mode" while in your pocket or on your belt.

Casinos have all been alerted to the wide availability of this inexpensive device.

Getting caught using this in a casino is a virtually sure-fire route to a local jail cell.

In Nevada, and many other venues, use of same it is a felony.

Legality aside, its use occupies a fuzzy ethically dubious zone.
Ethical and legal issues aside, how can it operate in "stealth mode"?

I'm sure it can vibrate the count, but has to have some input after each hand. Even if you can tap numbers in while it's on your belt or pocket, I would think a dealer would be awfully suspicious of a guy fiddling with his I-Phone after every hand. Even back counting might appear strange.


Well-Known Member
That's basically what it does, vibrates answers and accepts taps from your hand in your pocket. It's a ridiculously stupid piece of software. Even if it were legal, there's no reason to use it.


iPhone Apps

Looking at the thousands of apps available in the iPhone App Store, it's similar to the aisle full of artificial fishing lures in my local sporting goods store.

The racks jammed full of colorful lures are designed to catch fishermans' wallets - not fish. "Look at this one, Billy! It looks just like a minnow, complete with realistic scales, gills, movable eyes, and a retractable dorsal fin! Gimme $20!"

The same thing holds for iPhone apps like this BJ card counting program. It's not designed to make you win more money at the casino - it only has to make you think that it will so that you'll buy it.


In Greece, I used worry beads to side count the aces. It is normal for Greeks to use worry beads in everyday activities. In Greek casinos, the use of worry beads blends in. Every bead moved over counted as an ace played. It is more accurate than the iphone apps. In Nevada, worry beads might send us to jail for up to 10 years. Then we'd have something to worry about.



Well-Known Member
Is it worth it?

The only question you must ask yourself before using this thing in a casino is, is if what it does is worth the possibility of going to jail for using it?
Since it really does not do anything that you can not do by yourself in the first place, you should never even get to the place where you ask yourself that question.