Is it just that my casinos suck?


Active Member
I play at Fallsview and Casino Niagara in Ontario (I'm not 21 yet).

Every day I go, no matter what time (I've gone weekday mornings, nights, weekend nights, etc), all the BJ tables are packed. Even if I wanted to camp outside a table and wong in, the wait for a table is 20+ minutes and the shoe has come and gone.

At Fallsview the lowest tables are $15 and are completely packed, and all the $25's are usually full. People just talk about wonging all the time like it's simple to do, when even if I wanted to I couldn't jump in whenever I pleased.

Also they rotate 2 decks and the machine shuffles it, making shuffle tracking impossible.

Do these casinos just plain suck?

TakingTheHouse said:
I play at Fallsview and Casino Niagara in Ontario (I'm not 21 yet).

Every day I go, no matter what time (I've gone weekday mornings, nights, weekend nights, etc), all the BJ tables are packed. Even if I wanted to camp outside a table and wong in, the wait for a table is 20+ minutes and the shoe has come and gone.

At Fallsview the lowest tables are $15 and are completely packed, and all the $25's are usually full. People just talk about wonging all the time like it's simple to do, when even if I wanted to I couldn't jump in whenever I pleased.

Also they rotate 2 decks and the machine shuffles it, making shuffle tracking impossible.

Do these casinos just plain suck?
Of course they suck!!:laugh:

It is tough even with the best of conditions. Practice with CV, go and back count for experience at the casino you wrote about. There are opportunities even at your age, think like a "BJ Warrior".

Maybe you can come to the next "BJ Bash" and play some real fine games and meet highly skilled AP's. One of the "Midwest Masters Of Advantage" is even a fellow countryman of yours. :)



Well-Known Member
TakingTheHouse said:
I play at Fallsview and Casino Niagara in Ontario (I'm not 21 yet).

Every day I go, no matter what time (I've gone weekday mornings, nights, weekend nights, etc), all the BJ tables are packed. Even if I wanted to camp outside a table and wong in, the wait for a table is 20+ minutes and the shoe has come and gone.

At Fallsview the lowest tables are $15 and are completely packed, and all the $25's are usually full. People just talk about wonging all the time like it's simple to do, when even if I wanted to I couldn't jump in whenever I pleased.

Also they rotate 2 decks and the machine shuffles it, making shuffle tracking impossible.

Do these casinos just plain suck?
takingthehouse, go back and read this link. think about what he's saying. if you don't get the point read it again until you do. it's excellent advice! :
back count, practice, back count, maybe even jump in on a good count and throw down a bet. take your time young feller, you got all the time in the world.


Conditions that make wonging impossible

I've never played at any Canadian casinos but can certainly speak for casinos in Atlantic City, Vegas and a few off the beaten path even. One thing is that one casino is much like another in appearance and crowding conditions with the quality of the (blackjack) games themselves being the variable. I have heard tales of Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun being so crowded on the weekends that "every blackjack table is 3 people deep", consisting of the players and then the crowd of people waiting to jump a spot at the table! This is something to me that borders on insanity and the sort of conditions that make playing at all highly dubious and wonging just flat out impossible.

The influx of "weekend warriors" and crowded conditions is the casino's cue---they see the dollar sign potential and jack up the table minimums, making it to where if they want to play, they have to play at higher stakes! The weekend warrior is only there for those crowded conditions and if they choose not to play at the higher stakes... someone else WILL due to the crowded conditions! The less crowded the casino, the lower the table minimums.

I have found that if there are more than 3 players at a table it is all but impossible for me to be looking over their shoulders, especially if they lean forward as they play. If it's crowded and the tables are packed in--- I bail! I have all day, all week... all month even to find what I perceive to be suitable playing conditions. I will skip on to the next casino down the road or wait until it dies out a bit or come back another day when it's less likely to be so crowded. I try to avoid playing under anything but optimum conditions.

Time for us all to chip in and start a casino in Canada or Connecticut! We take just 10% of their action away and they hardly notice it and we would still make out like fat cats!
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Yes they do suck.

Even if you go during the day or morning, they only have two shoe games available.

I haven't been to any other casino's yet, but considering Niagara has only one shoe game available at any time, and Fallsview is packed 24/7, has less than 5 shoe games to choose from when all tables are open on Saturday night, and is almost always $25 min these casino's don't seem worthy of any trip


Well-Known Member
off subject

TakingTheHouse said:
I play at Fallsview and Casino Niagara in Ontario (I'm not 21 yet).

Every day I go, no matter what time (I've gone weekday mornings, nights, weekend nights, etc), all the BJ tables are packed. Even if I wanted to camp outside a table and wong in, the wait for a table is 20+ minutes and the shoe has come and gone.

At Fallsview the lowest tables are $15 and are completely packed, and all the $25's are usually full. People just talk about wonging all the time like it's simple to do, when even if I wanted to I couldn't jump in whenever I pleased.

Also they rotate 2 decks and the machine shuffles it, making shuffle tracking impossible.

Do these casinos just plain suck?

Nice name taking from the house

Did you happen to see mine and get that idea? come on man be more original and make your own **** up, your not taking from anyone your not even 21.

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
takinfromindians97 said:
Nice name taking from the house

Did you happen to see mine and get that idea? come on man be more original and make your own **** up, your not taking from anyone your not even 21.
lol i think that was a bit much...
Im not 21 but that didnt stop me from taking from 5/6 of the joints i visited in vegas or taking from the indians as a matter of fact....

I didnt even make my name up it was from a random generator back in 5th grade:eek::laugh::rolleyes:

back to the quesion...

yes your games arent very good the casinos to crowded and your oppertunities are pretty small
your going to have to wait a bit until your big day... how long is that exactly?

I would not suggest the fake/real different person/novelty id even though I am a hypocrite....
I was lucky to stumble upon the absolute perfect identification. nearly next door to my GF, looks exactly the same with the same exact stats just now im 22..... It was a gift from the blackjack gods who I only believe in... well never but it was pretty damn lucky...
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Active Member
takinfromindians97 said:
Nice name taking from the house

Did you happen to see mine and get that idea? come on man be more original and make your own **** up, your not taking from anyone your not even 21.
It'd probably be helpful to learn how to read, my name isn't taking from the house.

Kasi said:
The games are what they are.

The player decides whether to play them or not.
Thanks for pointing out common sense. I asked if my casinos were less advantageous than most, not for quotes from a jedi master.


Well-Known Member
TakingTheHouse said:
I asked if my casinos were less advantageous than most.
Yes they are. They both make my top 10 list of worst casinos in North American. However it doesn't mean they can't be beat!
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Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
TakingTheHouse said:
Thanks for pointing out common sense. I asked if my casinos were less advantageous than most, not for quotes from a jedi master.
Ontario games are terrible. I think I have told you before, drive the extra hour into Ontario and play at Brantford, the conditions are a little "less advantageous" (sorry for the double negative)

Counters do not operate at Fallsview/Niagara unless they have been banned from every other casino in Southen Ontario and Western New York for the very reasons you have noticed.

If you can't wong in and really want to count and have the unlimited BR like you say, sit in and grind it out, spread $25-$1000. You will probably get booted but the Niagara games are bad enough that it doesn't matter.

I am curious as to why are you interested in shuffle tracking when you are using a A/10 count. Shuffle tracking is fairly advanced and you need much more expertise.

I am also curious as to how you are changing your money. Unless you are getting close to market rate on money change you are losing more money merely by changing your money from USD to CDN and back than you would counting cards around 1% +EV.


Well-Known Member

Your statement about Connecticut:

" ... tales of Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun being so crowded on the weekends that "every blackjack table is 3 people deep"

was true in the past.

Current conditions do NOT include big crowds.


Well-Known Member
If you insist on playing at Fallsview, your best bet is to play in the Salon Prive. S17, 6 decks (versus 8 on the floor), better pen and no CSMs. Also, if you go early in the morning, there are very little people playing and the minimums are at $100 (versus $200 or more). No mid-shoe entry, though, so you need a big bankroll. It's been a couple of years since I played there so things might have changed.


Well-Known Member
Martin Gayle said:
Ontario games are terrible. I think I have told you before, drive the extra hour into Ontario and play at Brantford, the conditions are a little "less advantageous" (sorry for the double negative)

Counters do not operate at Fallsview/Niagara unless they have been banned from every other casino in Southen Ontario and Western New York for the very reasons you have noticed.

If you can't wong in and really want to count and have the unlimited BR like you say, sit in and grind it out, spread $25-$1000. You will probably get booted but the Niagara games are bad enough that it doesn't matter.

I am curious as to why are you interested in shuffle tracking when you are using a A/10 count. Shuffle tracking is fairly advanced and you need much more expertise.

I am also curious as to how you are changing your money. Unless you are getting close to market rate on money change you are losing more money merely by changing your money from USD to CDN and back than you would counting cards around 1% +EV.
FYI, max bet at Brantford is $100. This is true of all charity casinos in Ontario.


Well-Known Member
The advice re: Fallsview's $100 games mentions bankroll considerations.

Playing a game with $100 minimums and a play-all approach requires $100,000 for a reasonably low Risk-of-Ruin.


Well-Known Member
actuary said:
FYI, max bet at Brantford is $100. This is true of all charity casinos in Ontario.
Actually, Brantford is not a charity casino, but you are right about their max bets of $100 only. If you compare Brantford to Fallsview, or Niagara, Brantford's big advantage is - no CSM's, and generally lower table mins. I hope they take most customers away from the extremely greedy Niagara region casinos. However, low table maximums do not really allow you to spread properly. These are all 8D games, with poor penetration, and tables always crowded. Very difficult to make money in the long run. Breaking even, or just a little bit better than that and getting a few comps along the way, seems to be a reasonable goal.