Well-Known Member
you got the wrong thread here.sounds like some vodoo here. but il tell you something i had a friend who played high limit blackjack. one day ended up winning and started playing $1500 hands was still winning so started playing $3000 hands. after about 30 minutes was down $12 000. what you see is an illusion, don't lose all your money like some people.Trouble said:Any one out there have any advice on .......this week I played single deck Blkjack. I was down to my last $250.00 of alloted playing money for that session and got on a roll. There was one other player at the table to my left that knew how to play basic. I started building my money up to betting $400.00 a hand I would of put more out there($25.00 table) but didnt have it because as I previously stated was down to $250.00. I won every hand. The dealer schuffled and right when I had placed my first bet on the new deal a FLOCK OF PEOPLE ran over to throw there money down . One on my immediate left and one on my immediate right and one on first base! I asked them all if they would mind waiting while I finished this deal because I was on a roll. I won every hand but the last hand. I needed a six and busted with a seven by then I has placed a $800.00 bet. I wanted of course to play another round under the circumstances I couldnt because these_____s saw me get on a roll and came runnning over to jump in.
I set aside $100.00 to play 4 more hands . Of course the cards has changed. i lost the $100.00 and walked. But my is IS THERE ANY WAY TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING AGAIN? By the way there were no $100.00 mininum tables there. This was the highest limit in the casino.This also is not the first time this has happened.