Is there anyone left on this forum, or the other one that actually plays BJ?


Well-Known Member
That's a good question. I stopped playing two years ago. Now playing online poker tournies. I will never submit to the vaccine scam.


Active Member
Blackjack is the weakest form of advantage play. Most people have moved on and for good reason. Casinos can detect a card counter easily, the variance in BJ card counting is high so while you're getting tossed from casinos left and right you can also be hemorrhaging money in the process.
It's not a coincidence that the vast majority of professional gamblers don't count cards at blackjack. Blackjack is a good way to get your foot in the door to advantage play but beyond that it's detrimental to an AP career because you will burn your name and face. Go count cards at a property and get 86'd in 5 hours, make 1k EV if you're lucky, while there's someone else making 5 figures off that same property.


Well-Known Member
I am an active player, just finished my 17th year of supporting myself from blackjack play (and a little bit of supplemental AP stuff). I am done play for the year, taking a little time off, as covid cases explode. Spending time in the casinos just doesn't seem like a great idea right now.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a rhetorical question, but still playing but much more infrequently. Rules have changed for the worse. Casino offers better but doesn't make up for the tightening up of rules. And with capacity restrictions, it's also not as easy to find games.............even in Vegas. I mean playable games. KJ has that option but here, in our jurisdiction, it's tough. There are others who use different AP methods than BJ that are still toiling away.............but I'm just not as experienced in those games and NOT as patient.


Well-Known Member
I'm really talking about the worsening of conditions, KJ. Less tables surrender; more 6-5; less tables; less seats to play; more shoes; less hand dealt games; etc. The same things you have seen over time.


I've made mid-six figures counting cards full-time over the past four years. It's not easy, but doable. I've been asked by both Munchkin and Colin to do podcasts but I'm shy about revealing nuances that create the possibility of doing this long-term with success. I have a different approach than both KewlJ and Yoshi but appreciate what they are accomplishing and how they are doing it. It's too easy to say card counting is impossible as a full-time activity or, on the other hand, that it's easy. Neither is right. LVBear, maybe it's time for a lunch with KewlJ? Chaperone?
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Well-Known Member
ZenPrince said:
I've made mid-six figures just counting cards full-time over the past four years. It's not easy, but doable. I've been asked by both Munchkin and Colin to do podcasts but I'm shy about revealing nuances that create the possibility of doing this long-term with success. I have a different approach than both KewlJ and Yoshi but appreciate what they are accomplishing and how they are doing it. It's too easy to say card counting is impossible as a full-time activity or, on the other, that it's easy. Neither is right. LVBear, maybe it's time for a lunch with KewlJ? Chaperone?
Are you related to ZenKing?