is this normal?


Active Member
okay, manage to stay alive few weeks, enywho wanna bet how much can i survive ?:D
sold something lost 180.
it went like this borrowed 340 lost( did want to loose only max 100, but ....), borrowed 240( lost... also the same situation), borrowed 200, Yeahahhaahaa 900.well its da same **** i borowed.
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Well-Known Member
marius said:
okay, manage to stay alive few weeks, enywho wanna bet how much can i survive ?:D
sold something lost 180.
it went like this borrowed 340 lost( did want to loose only max 100, but ....), borrowed 240( lost... also the same situation), borrowed 200, Yeahahhaahaa 900.well its da same **** i borowed.
Have you considered selling sexual services for extra cash to lose at the casino?


Well-Known Member
If you are serious

marius said:
okay, manage to stay alive few weeks, enywho wanna bet how much can i survive ?:D
sold something lost 180.
it went like this borrowed 340 lost( did want to loose only max 100, but ....), borrowed 240( lost... also the same situation), borrowed 200, Yeahahhaahaa 900.well its da same **** i borowed.
If what you are saying is true, you should never post on this site again. Instead you should get yourself help because you are a gambling addict. Gambling is not financed by loans or selling assets. Chasing your previous loses is simply just digging yourself into a deeper hole.
People who are successful blackjack players can not be addicts or they will eventually bankrupt themselves but we have all known such people.

I believe you are young and perhaps have no one else depending upon you. Get yourself help now before that hole you are digging gets any deeper.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
Get yourself help now before that hole you are digging gets any deeper.
Don't listen to him, marius. Nobody ever struck gold by stopping digging - now that your skills are refined, you need to increase your scale of betting. Try to find contacts to the Mafia and borrow some money from them. Also, start dealing drugs and whoring out your ***hole for cash. Don't let small losses deter you - just double your bet and move to a higher limit table if you reach the table max.


Active Member
yeah lost everything, know i realelized for real, what's is the road where i'm going leads.
Enyway, **** you luck, you broken me, when i was olready broken.


Well-Known Member
marius said:
yeah lost everything, know i realelized for real, what's is the road where i'm going leads.
Enyway, **** you luck, you broken me, when i was olready broken.
You could have saved yourself some heartache if you had listened to us on Page 1. Go back and re-read everything that people posted to you.
marius said:
yeah lost everything, know i realelized for real, what's is the road where i'm going leads.
Enyway, **** you luck, you broken me, when i was olready broken.
It's OK man. Never rely on luck. Most of us here are very unlucky people. You are probably very intelligent, which means you are already very unlucky.

When you realize that you are unlucky, that you can only win with special knowledge and skill, only then should you ever return to a casino.


marius said:
yeah lost everything, know i realelized for real, what's is the road where i'm going leads.
Enyway, **** you luck, you broken me, when i was olready broken.
(Dead link:

This is what you need to get back in the game. Don't listen to anything else. It's bound to turn around. Once you get to the 3 to 5 million hands played it will start to turn around for you. Don't know if you have enough staying and powering power. I have a friend Gedo who can help you if you need money. Easy payment plans and if you don't make the payments it's painless.