hawkeye said:
I can't count the number of people that I've talked to that "know someone" who plays online and makes tons of money...
Don't believe anyone who claims to make a bunch of money gambling online. There is no more reason to believe that than to believe someone who claims to make a bunch of money gambling in casinos.
Skepticism is good.
"Trust no one" as Mulder would say.
Count me in that group for sure.
But, an open mind is good too lol.
With the right bonus, gambling online is, well, was anyway, enormously profitable, like you say, almost beyond belief. With the right game, so is card-counting in casinos. Just much much less so.
Since you are using the present tense, I have no idea how online is today.
I thought our Neo-nazi, right-wing, fascist gov't made playing a $1 hand of BJ on the internet illegal years ago. It seems players still do play which is great. I don't know how they do it. I just got too skeptical on the ability to fund and the ability of the casino, the ones that continued to allow US citizens to play, to pay me after I won. The ones I most liked to play at anyway refused to let me play any more anyway. The others seemed to want pre-paid phone cards to fund an account lol. Or a MO to send to Venezuela who would send it to Costa Rico and they would send me back a check if I won the banks couldn't cash.
What'd the Dept of Justice do - freeze like $42MM at Neteller, ostensibly a Canadian based company I think. Is that the one they arrested the owner while on a stopover on US soil? Maybe not. Can't remember. Now it's Bodog, I gather. Another $28MM frozen? At some point the money goes thru a bank with US ties and agrees to no longer accept the money from an e-wallet. I guess that's how they do it.
If I was single, I would have moved to England or Canada the day it happened.
So, if Gracewriter is a US citizen, I'd forget about online for those reasons.
I digress. And :cry: for the good ole days